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Twilight Town High

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Velocity_Rain, Dec 15, 2008.

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  1. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    Thats right! The summer is over! DiZ has created a school for kids like Roxas and others even Organization XIII members as teachers! Let me tell you. Xemnas was not happy with this. But he had too. He is the Principal. The best part is, is that none of the students know where the teachers came from or who they are. They are refereed to as Mr./Ms. I-XII (Because Roxas is a student) So, Mr. I would be Xemnas.

    Teachers and Classes
    Principal: Mr. I (One) Xemnas (TAKEN: Velocity Rain)
    Science: Mr. II (Two) Xigbar
    Math: Mr. III (Three) Xaldin
    Defense: Mr. IV (Four) Vexen
    Fitness (NOT LIKE GYM): Mr. V (Five) Lexaeus
    Spanish Mr. VI (Six) Zexion (TAKEN: The Oathkeeper)
    Reading Mr. VII (Seven) Saïx
    Offense Mr. VIII (Eight) Axel (TAKEN: Velocity Rain)
    Music Mr. IV (Nine) Demyx
    Chemistry Mr. X (Ten) Luxord
    Gardening Mr. XI (Eleven) Marluxia
    History Ms. XII (Twelve) Larxene


    I control when school ends.
    I control when Periods start and end.
    I will control Principal.
    Hayner's Gang are all freshman.
    Six periods

    Freshmas (9th Grade)
    Sophomore (10th Grade)
    Junior (11th Grade)
    Senior (12th Grade)

    Roxas (TAKEN: Velocity Rain)
    Olette (TAKEN: Kairi Star)
    Hayner (TAKEN: Kairi Star)
    Pence (RESERVED: The Oathkepper (Ends Tomorrow.)

    Classes (Six Max. Six Min.):

    Name: Roxas
    Age: 15
    Look: [​IMG]
    Personality: Happy Quiet. Wondering about the other boy he has been having dreams about.
    Classes (Six Max. Six Min.): Math Reading Offense Defense Science.
    Grade: Freshman
    History: He is in Hayners Gang!!!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'll take my two guess, but why those teachers? Olette and the group don't even know them.
  3. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Can I be Zexion?
  4. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    Thats the point. They are the teachers but the kids dont know them I thought I could I could give it a twist.

    And Yes, Oath.
  5. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Demyx pweaze.
  6. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    Sure. And Kairi can you make forms? I need to know the classes.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    could i become saix? (how to make i like that?)
  8. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    Sure you can!
  9. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    ((and do we have to make a template for our characters?))
  10. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    YES. I wont start till you and Kairi star make one.
  11. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    wait, do teachers have to fill out the class part of the template?
  12. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    No. Only Students.
  13. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Awesome, thanks Velocity.

    Name: Zexion, The Cloaked Schemer

    Age: 17

    Look: [​IMG]

    Personality: Twisted, Unknown, Scheming, Dark, Thoughtful, and Mysterious

    History: Zexion applied for a job at a the High-school because he was lacking money and agreed that as long as Lexaeus and Vexen were going to be involved, he'd try it out. Zexion now teaches his own Spanish class for all the pre-adults in Twilight Town. Zexion is also known and most likely to play mind-games with all his students, even the good ones.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Olette
    Age: 15
    Personality: Kind, smart, clever, and respocible. She is also very mature
    Classes (Six Max. Six Min.):
    Grade: 9
    History: Olette is a friend of Roxas and part of Hayner's gang. She worries alot about school and will go beyond the boundry. She is the mature and responcible one in the gang.

    Personality: Hot headed, rough, clever, and very imature, not that smart.
    Classes (Six Max. Six Min.):
    Grade: 9
    History: Hayner is the leader of his own gang. He is tough and a struggler. His best friend in the whole world is Roxas. He has a slight crush on Olette. He does not show it though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
  15. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Thanks for being in my class!!! :3
  16. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    Lets start!

    Roxas walked into school with Mr. I (Xemnas) greeting him. "Good Morning, Roxas." Roxas turned his head to Xemnas. "Hi! Mr. I."
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Olette was standing at her locker as Hayner walked over.

    "You know this school is kind of stupid." Hayner said groning.

    "Oh give it a rest, we're here so let's make the best of it." Olette said.
  18. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Suddenly Mr.7(Saix) saw Ollette and said, "Greetings, young girl, are you one of my students?"
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2008
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Olette never left her locker yet. Plus she's quite aware of her surroundings. Hayner is a diffrent story.
  20. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    <<I have edited it>>
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