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twilight wariors club

Discussion in 'General' started by axelvs.riku, Aug 13, 2007.

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  1. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    they have light warriors dark warriors but are there warriors of twilight?there are now! come join i need members and you should all help the bunny take over!

    p.s.i have too many threads
  2. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Dude could you stop with the endless double posting.

    If members want to join they will. Pleading wont get you members.
  3. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    sorry, but im getting restless
  4. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    well maybe you should close this down and join the dark warriors, after all

    you've shown an intrest and asked to join them

    and no-one seems to openly want to join the twilight warriors

    kill two birds with one stone, you'll be in a group with others so there's you're bit about wanting to be with others, And then, I don't see any reason for double posts after, as this place would be closed wouldn't it

    ( I'm only saying, don't get all angry)
  5. Flare

    Flare New Member

    ^ That makes sense.

    But then again, it's up to you.
  6. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    never mind close this thread please
  7. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    i want to join/remake this club
    i will be the new leader of the Twilight Warriors Club.
    the first 4 people who join will become co-leaders

    the titles are
    twilight archer-
    twilight mage-
    twilight assasin-
    twilight warrior-

    the rest of the members can ether can be a
    and be sure to write in your signiture what you are and if your in this club.
  8. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    come on! never mind can we be co-leaders? atually i originally created this thread so its my decision! :)
  9. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Due to the wish of the Thread creator.. I'm gonna close this.
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