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Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kingdombabe94, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Kingdombabe94

    Kingdombabe94 New Member

    I loved this movie. I thought that they did a good job of making it some what like the book. The casting wasn't to bad although i had a different actor in mind for edward. also the best part was is that they left it open for the sequel so that means they are probably gonna do the rest of the books! yay!:D. even though the second book wasnt my favorite but details. what are you views on the movie?
  2. One~Destiny

    One~Destiny New Member

    I loved the movie too ^^ I think it was more of a comedy than a romance tho >.> zomg! I think I should start reading the 2nd book before the movie comes out :D
  3. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I just got back from seeing the movie and I'm very pleased! I loved this movie to death! Anyone who says this movie sucked deserves to be attacked by a pack of vampires! :D I love Robert Pattison 4ever!!!! They should totally make a second one, but I gotta read the book first!!!!! :D :D :D
  4. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I wanna see it, now! :D But it comes only.. umm, January or February 2009. Aww, I gotta wait till then...
  5. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    i love that movie but they skipped some important things....the book is better
  6. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    I've only just started reading the first book but so far I've noticed changes here and there, which is to be expected.

    Stephenie Meyer's parents' names are the same as me and my partners' names. =D Steve and Candy.

    But I thought the movie was great. It could have used a little more action though. =P
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    when i first watched the movie, i loved it
    i adore twilight

    but after watching the movie over 7 times i started to see the flaws of the film
    personally i dont like robert patison, although near the end of the movie you get use to him.
    Also i think that they skipped through the book to fast, so the film lacked detail. There wasn't enough on the Cullens in the movie, and the meadow scene ( one of my favs in the book) was way too short >.<

    Overall as a film it was amazing, but it comparison to the book, personally i think it wasn't that great as i expected.

    The effects of him running up the hill was the worst.

    My opinion on the movie is sorta negative >.< im sorry
  8. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I went to see the movie again last week before it goes out of theaters and I must say the 2nd time was much better, cuz I missed some major details the first time I saw it. I love this movie and Robert Pattinson is soooo hottttt!!!!! :D :D :D I so can't wait for the second movie, as long as Robert Pattinson grows his hair back! :eek: Compared to the book I think the movie made some necessary cuts because I felt like the book dragged on in some areas, I actually had trouble getting through the first chapter cuz it was too long.
  9. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Robert is alri looking i think
    i still think hes not edward cullen, well atleast not my edward >.<

    I liked jasper in the movie
    and alice was so cute ^^ althought not the right height
  10. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    ugh Twilight. I'm not even wasting my time watching it, because it's just a love story that makes fans of the characters get boners
  11. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    I think most people are blinded by the fact that Edward is supposed to be this charming young man who sweeps Bella off her feet but forget that he isn't really all that much to look at. =/

    I swear that most fangirls are expecting a picture book of Edward/Robert when they go to buy the book 'Twilight'.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i get annoyed at fangirls who claim edwards 'theres' and havent read the book

    a bit off the subject of edward cullen, but breaking dawn the movie.
    If or when they do eventually make it, (book 4), i doubt it would be any good.

    any opinions?
  13. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    You never know. They may decide to spruce things up a bit (hopefully starting with the second book =P) when they hear how most people disliked the first movie (aside from the hormonal teen girls).

    They need to find a better director who can keep audiences of all age and gender (with a few exceptions who already dislike it) hooked.

    I do like the first movie. So either way I will watch all of them because it wasn't as terrible as most people are making out. I think the people who have issues with the movie have issues with their love life and are taking it out on a perfectly innocent movie.

    It does have its flaws. Like there not being enough action considering it's a vampire movie. But I think that if people don't like it, don't bash the movie just because it's main audience seems to be young girls and that it doesn't appeal to them in any way.

    I know it's annoying seeing nearly every girl go crazy when they can't find the book. But I'm sure most of us had some weird obsession at one stage of our lives and we all get over it eventually.

    The 5th book 'Midnight Sun' is currently in progress / on hold indefinitely but I doubt they would make that into a movie. Pretty much just a recount of Edward's version of Twilight.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    well said :)

    from what i've read of Midnight Sun, (the unofficial few pages)
    it seems really good
  15. Kandy-Sugar

    Kandy-Sugar New Member

    Was it from Edward's point of view?

    I was reading Stephenie's thoughts on the 5th book and she was saying that she really didn't want anyone to see the leaked unfinished story but knew people would go looking for it anyway, so she attached it to her website.

    I didn't read any of the unofficial pages though because I thought it might ruin the story when she finally finishes it. =P

    Sorry a bit off topic. >_<
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    yes it is from edwards point of view, and i think its well written although its not finalized.

    I also had the struggle of choosing to read it or not. (im like one of the worlds biggest twilight freaks)

    after 2 months of temptation i gave in and read it >.<

    but i was good enough not to download the movie before hand, i watched it in the cinemas =D (as someone should)
  17. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    The movie sucked. That's my only opinion.. >.< though if I hadn't read the book, I might would have thought that it was ok.. but I prefer the book.
  18. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    thats exactly how i feel
    becuse i went to see the film with a group of friends
    and only 6 of us read the book and the other 8 hadn't
    the people who hadn't read it said it was one of the best films either
    and i was like... its okay but not as great as i expected it to be
  19. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Same here. I loved the book, and I waited much from the movie.. but it wasn't that good... average, I'd say.

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