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Two Destinies (KH Story)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Lightning. Splash. Thunder. Splash. Rain. Splash. Fire. Splash. Squirms. Splash.....falling.....

    Twilight Princess Midna's Lament Orchestrated (Z.R.E.O.) - YouTube

    I don't remember much from last night. I remember lying on the beach, looking into the stars, even though the sky was lit up in sparks. Then, the sounds as blackness filled my eyes. I felt like I was being carried and thrown into water. Splashing...the sound of the waves slapping against the rocks, flames filling the palm trees. Within the water, I fell. Something was pulling me down but I felt calm. It felt right. I became so calm, I fell to sleep. All I could hear were the waves and a cry of a name. "Hannah" Was that my name?

    "HEY, ARE YOU OKAY!" a boy cried, tapping her with his foot against her face. The girl opened her eyes slowly, letting the seeping sunlight slightly overwhelm them but not completely blind her. She looked up and saw the boy, standing five feet tall with a grin. His chocolate brown spiky hair was the first thing she looked at before looking down to his eyes which looked strange to her. Purple eyes...
    What....the hell...
    She shuffled her head, immediately wanting to know where she was. She looked over to the trains and the tanned brown walls back-set by a strong glimmer of orange light. They were in a train station.
    "You ARE okay! Good thing too"
    The girl instantly rose to her feet, overshadowing his small height and staring at the boy's strange eyes.
    "Why are your eyes purple?" the girl asked inquisitively.
    "I don't know. I was born with them. No one else does."
    "Where are we?"
    "In the train station"
    The girl sighed and rolled her eyes. "No, duh...which world?"
    The boy stepped back, widening his oval eyes.
    "You mean, you're not from this world?"
    "No. I'm from Destiny Islands"
    The boy first wanted to smirk but then stared at her with an intense look on his face. She looked like she was serious.
    "Destiny Islands was destroyed 10 years ago. It was the first world, the neo-heartless attacked. Don't you know that?"


    This is the story of two fourteen year olds, trying to survive the onslaught of the Neo-Heartless, a new species of the terrifying monster. Some people say when Ansem the Wise, tried to copy Kingdom Hearts on the World That Never Was, the data transferred to the heartless, giving them great power. This data also transferred itself on to two other souls; a girl from Destiny Islands and a boy from Twilight Town when they born at the same time of this incident. After finding each other, the girl now wants confirmation of what happened to her world, seeking the advice of Yen Sid. Some parts of her memories however remain scattered including her own name. She reckons she is called "Hannah" but she is unsure. Over time, she will try to regain her lost memories.

    Sign Ups


    Characters we need:

    The Girl (Hannah)
    The Boy
    Friends of the Boy:

    I will not have an overall bad guy until the end.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *template here soon maybe
  3. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Shuya Takeda


    Shuya was born in twilight town, the son of a kendo master and a cooking genius. He loves Twilight Town deeply and says it is his one and only home although his heart tells him otherwise, that there are other places that there are places beyond the horizon of Twilight Town which has started to bore him little by little. His father tells him never to think of such places and to simply accept what he alrady has, he has never been able to accept it and has been talking to Master Yen Sid about the other worlds and what they may hold for him. Radiant Garden, Beast's Castle, The Olympus Colliseum...they all filled him with hope and also, worry. The beasts called Heartless and the appearance of the Neo Heartless send chills down his spine whenever he hears about them. And so he trained with his father, learning to wield a sword not as a weapon but as an extra limb that he can use to protect himself and others. And as he became a master of the sword, even defeating his father he became disconnected from his other friends and his mother. The day his father deemed him ready to own the family's heiriloom, a 100 year-old katana, his mother fell into a coma from an undiagnosed illness. And since that day he's carried the burden of his mother's condition on his shoulders. With this he has become less determined and never accepted the sword, he has begun a routine of helping people every day, atonement for what he believes is his greatest sin.

    Shuya is still a very optimistic and hot-headed, often making very reckless decisions. But, he still cares for the community, often taking jobs for free and overworking himself for other people. Even though he is often seen as a very positive and happy person he harbors a deep regret inside and often beats himself up for that.

    Linkin Park.Pts.Of.Athrty - YouTube


    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I don't know what you're talking about. This sounds like it'll have a pretty good story to it.

    Name: Hannah
    Age: 14
    Bio: Hannah is from Destiny Islands. That's about all she can recall upon reawakening in the train station of Twilight Town. She is trying to remember her past, but she needs help so with the help of her new friend she is searching for those who could help her while going to help fight against the neo-heartless
    Personality: Hannah is straight and to the point. She doesn't mess around or play foolish games. She can be friendly and caring at times, but most times she gives off tough love and is pretty sarcastic.
    Theme: find one later
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    My triumphant comeback to the site.

    Name: Domynek

    Age: 18

    Bio: Domynek is a Guardian. However he has no memory to his past as to where he came from or who his family is. All he knew was his name, and how to weild the sword he carried with him. The blade was enchanted to channel his energy, making it very strong, as well as becoming whatever type of blade he needs at the time.

    He woke up one day in Twilight Town, and wandered alone there for some time. Eventually he found his way to the old mansion, where he took refuge. He was found by Yen Sid, who helped him become the man he is today, teaching him the ways of magic, and virtue. Yen Sid sent him off to find two teenagers who are important in some way. Domynek doesn't understand what exactly they are for, or how they are important, but he still searches for them as if his life depends on it. He dreams of one day finding his true identity.

    Personality: Domynek is a very kind hearted person. With the erase of his memories, he became like a very innocent child, lost to the evils of the world. He know somewhat understands the nature of evil, but still only has a basic understanding of it. However, he knows what is right and will always fight to protect it. He's not very fond of strangers, but when he knows he can trust someone he becomes the most loyal a friend there could ever be.

    He loves to learn, and will often be found in the library when he is not out on a mission. He hopes that something in his searching will lead him on the path towards learning who he is. Later in the plot he will feel a kindship with Hanna due to them both having few memories.

    Theme: I'll get back to this later.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    I want him to have a weird tie in to the bad guy, like the villian was the one who took away his memories. I don't want to steal any kinda spotlight, but I thought it would be interesting if he had amnesia too.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012

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