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U.S. Censory?!?!

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by DarkAngel, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I can't belive there doing this!!! sites such as this might be shut dwon becuase they don't have premision to show serten things!!! not only this site but the bigg ones aswell!!! like YouTube.com, Google and even Wiki!!! I found out at school today that they are trying to pass a law that prevents things from being shown online without tthe people who made the things(Like Kingdom hearts and FF games for instance)Getting paid!!! thats not the worst part...some of the sites such as Wiki have Shut down already just to show what would happen if the Law is passed!!! in addition some sites such as Youtube don't mind it but are afraied that if the U.S. blocks out the bad stuff from other nations then it will also block out the good, wich I will bet my Salary is whats going to happen, and Fans are furios!!! I for one don't want this to happen because this is the only other place where I feel I belong!!! not to mention I get most of my Ideas from places like Google, Youtube and Wiki!!! if an Mod could please put this into news I would greatly apreseate it...and for those of you who don't belive me cheack out Google or this part here. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    People has to stop this bull crap And I am going to be one who dose somethingh about it...who ever is with me...Contact your representatives!!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  2. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    This really sucks. goto google. click on logo. AND SIGN PETITION!
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    AT LEAST ITS GOING TO GET US TO KEEP OUR SITE!!! not that I blame you I hate Pettions too...but if its going to save KHP then I am going to do whatever it takes!
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Oh so that's why the google logo has a black box over it. The U.S. has talked about doing this since the Internet became public, in fact it's already a law called "copyright".*

    This law has been proposed probably by some company that's getting bashed on the Internet(or perhaps even some political figure). It won't pass because congress isn't stupid, and it already goes again one of the bill of rights, the first amendment actually-the right of press.*

    If people of the Internet are posting stuff then its press, if they're posting stuff and not giving credit, then it is copyright infringement.*

    Believe me I know my history. Here's what's probably happening- Google(owners of Wikipedia and YouTube) are probably getting sued for something they did of copyright infringement, and know they won't win. Google is a huge company and since 99/100 Americans use google once a day, they can easily get support against some lawsuit.*

    The minute I hear the Facebook and MySpace, and Yahoo! CEO's announcing a fight against this, I will worry. Until then I'm not.*

    Nonetheless, I'll sign some useless petition and perhaps send a Facebook message to the news to check into this.

    P.S. technically this site is propert of Great Brittain because TD is Brittish so the U.S. can't do anything about this site *shrug*
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Truthfully, I don't think that we have anything to worry about with any of this sort of stuff. Why? Because we are so small. I don't think some fansite for a video game is gonna get shut down off some law.

    ^This does sort of make me laugh a bit.

    Not to mention that Kingdom Hearts (which is basically the information that this site provides and such) is owned by the Japanese.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Destiny I know your a site staff but I am sorry to say your wrong...its beeing considered right now! not to mention if they do sensor outside info then we in the U.S. will not be able to get onto this site anymore!!! not to mention that if we leave this in the hands of congres then we are all screwed because they are talking about shuting down the internet all together!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I doubt they'll shut down the internet. If they do that, then they piss off millions. I think you'd do well to offer some media sources. Articles and such, because right now you're coming off as just making assertions without backing.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    trust me...everyone I know, outside this site even, is saying that their going to! and if our President screws this up like he has alot of other things then we ARE all screwed!!! not to mention I just saw it on the news Two hours ago!!!!
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    They're not going to shut down the internet entirely. It's that simple. Too much of our society RELIES on it to function in the modern age. State and Federal employees use it for communications. Schools use it for various purposes (posting grades, online courses, etc.). A full internet shutdown isn't gonna happen until the day no one is left to actually keep it running. No doubt people in the government realize this. If they take down the Internet in its entirety, then they pretty much cut off a vital line for the majority of society. It's that simple.
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...they probably think we all would go back to snail mail...
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Honestly, you're blowing what this is all about way out of proportion. It's not about a full out internet shutdown. It's about protecting the rights of certain people whose products are being pirated. If it's passed, yes, it will have a certain impact on what gets up on the web. Wikipedia and youtube won't be much the same as they used to be. But the Internet in its entirety will remain.
  12. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    realy? because most of the stuff on the internet is from other contrey's and they are talking about secoring everything from other contry's...
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    There are three branches of government- President, congress, and state. To get a law passed all three must agree- they won't. Here's why...

    1.) state uses the Internet to promote traveling to the state- to promote this they'll use icons. For example PA has Steelers, Liberty Bell, Hershey, Phillies, etc. they may pay them, but it'll do nothing because nobody will know who they are because the people of the state on the Internet promote those things.
    2.) congress uses the Internet to spread news to the people. The library of congress online-what people use now a days(not everybody can travel to Washington DC) everytime a person uses a book, congress will have to pay the author of that book money
    3.) the president uses the Internet to promote himself and even the country. For example(I live in PA so this is one example I know) after winning the election he stated that Pittsburgh and Chicago were his favorite cities in the United States, he also said he was a steeler fan. He'd have to pay them. For the White House Christmas party they used Justin Bieber(ew) to promote it. Justin Bieber was being payed to perform, not used as a promotion, so they'd have to pay him more.

    The Bill of Rights 1st Amendment prevents congress from making laws preventing citizens from practicing free religion, and from press.

    Again congress can try all they want, but cannot do anything. I'm not wrong. They've been trying to get this law for a very long time, they haven't yet, they won't.
  14. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    yea but think about it...Google wouldn't either yet look what its doing...and Wiki? I doubt they would shut down to get people to stop looking things up for 24 hours...if anything this is just proveing that Congress is so close that its posibly going to happen...
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I told you, and I will again. Google(owner of wiki and YouTube) is probably being sued for something and are trying to get support against it, or it was hacked(like Facebook)
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah. I'd wager that even if Congress DOES get its way on this, the courts will step in and declare it unconstitutional anyways. It is.
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    is that realy it? becuase if it is I am gona be pissed at more then Congress...
  18. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Honestly DesiferKnight, I'm completely convinced that you don't understand what SOPA and PIPA are at all.

    Both of these bills are supposed to prevent piracy. It wouldn't actually shut down these illegal pirating sites, especially since most of them are from outside the United States. It would however sue Google for not blocking out these sites in their search results. There's apparently a loophole around that though; if you can type in the IP address of the site, you would be able to bypass the censor. Site's that provide links or ways around the censor would be sued as well. Also, copyrighted material could not be posted anywhere without permission or royalties being paid (I believe at least, could be wrong on that part). Sites like Youtube would likely be sued out of existence (like Napster was). Facebook and social networking sites would be sued as well if their members post anything illegal, so those sites would have to censor their users completely. Intellectual property would come into play too, which is where Wikipedia comes into the picture. Also, if the US were to pass such a bill, it would ultimately affect the global internet because many countries would likely follow in our footsteps.

    Basically this bill is in existence because Hollywood production companies and big time record labels are trying to make more money. Many of the endorsers of both bills have slowly but steadily been taking their name off the bills, including a few today. Barack Obama has also gone against these bills, as well as many bands (yeah, actual artists who are being affected more than record labels). The likelihood of these being passed are diminishing, but it does not hurt to sign a petition (or multiple like I have, since this affects freedoms of speech and knowledge).

    KHP would have nothing to worry about unless members post illegal things.

    Also, Destiny, state isn't technically a branch of government. Judical (Supreme Court), Executive (President) and Legislative (Congress) are the three branches of government. But I really don't feel like getting into an American social studies lesson at the moment
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- I did not even understand half of Desifer's sentences. Please spell better. As for my opinion, Nicole, Starkiller and I has no intentions of even plagiarizing or pirating any information at all and even when I put up my articles, I always state as to which company released the information and what the company is doing. Everything else, I leave all of you guys to wreck your brains at this. I am not going to join in.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You are right with that, Flash, I don't know why for some reason I was thinking state was separate.

    I did look into what the big deal is, this law is against google as I suspected. The internet is not dying. If you search the who's online you'll see goggle bot and etc. Those bots spy on you. Cookies do the same. What this law is preventing google and what not to basically spy on you and promote specific things for you.

    Also now I'm not getting into this thing fully because all I know is nothing is going to change, but if square enix thought we were a threaten to them, they'd sue us, but they won't because 1.) were too small, 2.) we actually help promote Kingdom Hearts.

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