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Umm.. I need some help T_T

Discussion in 'Archive' started by sma2112, Dec 11, 2007.

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  1. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    Well guys for some reason I can't seem to get on to the site from anywhere but my school, unless i use a proxy site, same with another site i use for other things...
    I dont think its the internet provider because I have Comcast and my dad has Optimum, and T don't know what the school uses, i thinks its one of those 2 though and they have Internet Explorer
    Pus I tried both FireFox and Internet Explorer at both houses on 2 different comps and still couldn't access this site or the other one which has nothing to do with forums, games, etc.
    So can someone please tell me whats going on?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2007
  2. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    never mind it fixed itself
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    If that case...

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