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Undertown: Tales Below Us (OOC&SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KuraiKeybladeMaster, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. (This and the following post are written by Zacax: The Gunsmith).

    "In 1847 the great man who created our beautiful, mechanical city that lies beneath the surface, Proffesor Cain Able, had a dream. A dream to create beings made of both machine and organic material to benefit mankind. He first started with Alpha, our first leader, and the Sisters, Medusa, Stheno and Euryale who now watch over the city whilst we select our new leader, all of who still believe in our creator's belief. So we now begin the 3rd Annual election! For those who are new too our customs, or if you have lost a few brain cells, Undertown undergoes this debate for every extended year, for as some might refer to as a leap year. Our candidates this year have yet to be named, as we are still selecting the best cyborg from each district that the people of each district decide who would be the best to lead them through these troubling times. Remember, all the districts, Zeus, Athen, Poseidon, Hades and Hermes must participate, we require all districts to cast their votes to make this debate fair as usual.

    In other news, the Sisters have been selecting cyborgs to participate in the Revolution! If you believe that you have what it takes to partake in this Revolution our caretakers are manifesting, please visit a local recruiting center in your district. If you need help finding one, they are the domed shape buildings with our city's flag, the red flag with the golden skull with a golden cog behind it, you cannot miss it! And that concludes our Dusk News, please wake up early tomorrow as we discuss about who will be our leader, with Jordan Horgard our political news anchor, as well as the newest spring we have discovered with Elizabeth West! Tune in next time on the Undertown Radio show!

    ~The Undertown Radio Show (Badum Badum!)~"

    Welcome to the Undertown: Tales Below Us RP!

    Welcome to Undertown! Home to the cyborgs, created by Proffesor Cain Able. This town was established in 1865 and has been growing ever since. As time passed, Proffesor Able passed, leaving the first leader, Alpha, to take care of the great city, with the aid of the Sisters. Eventually, after four years, Alpha disappeared for mysterious reasons... It was never explained by the Sisters...

    Now, time is coming close to electing the new leader, and Sisters are forming a Revolution, which currently, we know nothing about, such as its purpose, or when this was planned. Most are excited for whatever this revolution is, while some are skeptical of this grand ideal.

    Now, here comes the most important question before we begin?

    Who, are you?​
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2013

  2. Character Template:

    Appearance: (Either text or picture)
    Occupation: (Miner, Worker, what do you do in the city?)
    Weapon: (Do you have any weapons? Do you have any weapon motifs to your arm(s)?)
    Home District: (Which District does your character live in?)


    The Undertown is divided into five different districts, each with a primary function, such as water reserves, furnaces, junkyards, anything needed to survive underground.

    Zeus District:

    The Relatively more "clean" district, and looks more like a town on the surface. This was the first part of Undertown made, with different landmarks and famous buildings, like Able's Mansion, the Olympus House (where our leader lives, as well as the Sisters) which is where all of our laws and greatest decisions are made.

    Athena District:

    In this district, many scholars and teachers live here, as well as the schools are placed here. It is the most academic district out of the five .

    Poseidon District

    All of the water reserves are located here. Whenever a spring or lake is discovered, cyborgs transport the water in their specially design vehicles to bring the most vital resource to this district, so that the cyborgs can survive for months.

    Hermes District

    Home to the Undertown Radio Show, and the Undertown Journal (the city's newspaper), the Hermes District is home to all media that is mandatory to send out, like elections, important news from the Olympus House, and other groundbreaking stories.

    Hades District:

    The home to the furnaces and the forges, the Hades District is one of the most important districts, almost as important as the Athena and Poseidon Districts. Here, humans become Cyborgs, and Cyborgs come here to be repaired or upgraded when they age.

    Important Notes:

    Here are some things to know about Cyborgs

    -Cyborgs are pretty much humans with mechanical prosthetics, like robotic arms and legs.
    -Cyborgs really and honestly, only need water to survive, since they run on steam now.
    -Some Cyborgs can reproduce like humans, but most of the time, wandering humans that stumble into the city are turned into Cyborgs, since some Cyborgs have lost their reproductive organs (which is because some have mechanical implants near their waists or legs)
    -Most Cyborgs are above the age of 15

    Rules of the RP

    -No Autohitting
    -No MetaGaming
    -No Autododging
    -No Godmodding
    -PLEASE! Respect other players.
    -Any problems or questions, PM me or place it here in the OOC.
    -No Spam
    -Help Others when you can
    -No Autokilling, only kill another player if BOTH of you agree to it.
    -Have FUN!​
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I take it this is what Zacax had brewing?
  4. Indeed. He was having a problem with the site not letting him post so he sent it over to me and I figured it out.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Thank you Kurai

    Name: Zacchaeus Toddson (Known as Zeta)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: (Picture will be here soon)

    A cyborg that looks like a teenage boy. He reaches a height of 5'11 and weighs 223 lbs, due to the mechanical parts implamented on him. His skin is white, with brown hair and hazel eyes, and has a relavtivly lanky, and skinny build (save his right arm). His right arm is fully mechanical, with the upper arm being able to stretch to seemingly great lengths, and the lower arm is big and thick, shaped liked a rectangular box with gears that are visible. The hand is thick and large, looking more machine like than his left hand which looks like that of a normal human's. He has knee pads that are seen over his pants and are shown to be connected to his knees, with his lower legs being mechanical, and designed to keep him safe from big drops, as well as metal feet with silver trimming, and spikes near the front part, to aid him in climbing across rocky walls. He wears a red, long sleeve buttoned shirt that remains unbuttoned, revealing his metal rib cage, along with his artificial lungs and heart that be somewhat seen in his ribs, as well as seeing the skin stitched and attached to the lower ribs, a pair of tan pants, and goggles that he wears above his head.


    A brave, humble and kind young man who generally displays a light-hearted, talkative, easy-going, witty and cheeky manner, but repeatedly demonstrates a vengeful and unforgiving streak as well. His strong personal sense of justice makes him quick to anger when he feels it is violated, this is coupled, however, with an intense sense of regret of the deaths of both his friends and enemies. He also has a tendency to babble, mixing apparent nonsense with vital information, sometimes acting erratically to put his enemies off-guard. He is prone to making comments that to outsiders seem obtuse or rude, sometimes to his own embarrassment.

    Occupation: Zeta works as both a Miner and a scavenger to collect metal and scrap to bring to the Hades Disctrict.

    Weapon: Zeta's right arm is called the "Gearshift Gauntlet". The arm can shift gears to change the power, force, speed, or mobility making it one of the most complicated pieces of implants built so far.

    Tool: Zeta's main tools are his "Gearshift Gauntlet", and a copper Pickaxe.


    Zeta was originally a human boy, and the only son if his family. As a normal human, he used to work on a farm with his father, mother and grandparents as they worked on the crops and took care of the livestock. His father died of heart failure, and his mother got very ill until she passed, for unknown reasons to this date. ZEA was unable to take care of his grandparents, seeing how someone needed to work on the crops as well. He and his grandparents moved to New York, but he left home, trying to find a job. It wasn't until he stumbled into the Undertown, and was turned into a Cyborg by the Sisters and the repairmen of the city.

    Shortly after he became a Cyborg, he became a miner, and began to work in the mines, expanding the underground city. He was also selected to help out once a month to find supplies on the surface at night, that they weren't able to find underground.

    Home District: Hades District
  6. Hey Zac, I have a couple questions.

    What is "autodogdging?" Does it refer to someone who makes their character dodge every attack thrown at them?

    Also, what is a character's "tool?" Is it simply something they use in their work? Is a tool required for every character?
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yeah that's what Autododging is, similar to auto hitting.

    Not all characters require or need tools. Miners are required to have tool obviously, teachers on the other hand don't.
  8. Alright then, thanks.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    No problem. Anyway, here are the Sisters' profiles:

    Name: Euryale
    Age: 32
    Gender: Female

    Medusa is a mother like being, and keeps an eye out for all Cyborgs. She is quiet, reserved and wise, making all of the more important choices. She means well, however, she will not hesitate to punish those who appose her ideals.

    Medusa is a beautiful, thin woman and reaches the height of 6'01, and weighs 160 lbs. She wears a purple gown that covers her entire body, covering her mechanical parts, with the symbol of their city on the back of her dress. Her left and right lower arms are replaced with armored gauntlets with three talons on each hand, hidden in her sleeves. She has pale white skin, brown eyes, and long black hair that goes down to her waist, with bangs covering her eyebrows and part of her eyes.
    Weapon: Her talons
    Tool: None

    Her past is kept secret, along with her younger sisters. She has stated that she, along with her sisters and the famous Alpha, were the first cyborgs, and chosen to lead the cyborgs when Professor Able had passed. She is the second eldest Sister, and She also works as the judge whenever it is needed.
    Home District: Zeus District

    Name: Stheno
    Age: 36
    Gender: Female

    While she is like Euryale being concerned for the well being of others, Stheno is much more aggressive, independent and ferocious. She is the "Iron Fist" of the three in a sense, being more aggressive and stern at points, making sure that the people of Undertown follow the law.

    Stheno is a bit more muscular than most women, but still has a feminine figure. She is 6'02 tall, and weighs 170 lbs. which is due to her muscles and mechanical parts. She wears a sleeveless dress that is a lighter shade of purple than her older sister's dress, though, Stheno's dress allows for more movement. She has dirty blonde hair that reaches her shoulders, green eyes, and slightly tan skin. Her entire legs are fully mechanical, which are designed to survive big falls, as well as her shoulders being metal ball joints.
    Weapon: She uses her legs for combat.
    Tool: None

    Like her sisters, Stheno has hidden away her past from the public, as ordered by Professor Able before his death. She and her sisters serve as the government of the City, passing laws and other necessary things needs for the city. She is in control of the Law Enforcement of Undertown, and she takes her job seriously, and is placed as leader whenever there is none.
    Home District: Zeus District

    Name: Medusa
    Age: 28
    Gender: Female

    The youngest of the sisters, Medusa is manipulative, seductive and naive. She prefers to have others do her work for her, seeing how she is lazy and hates to do any labor, despite the fact she was made to work. She is carefree and self centered of herself, as well as prideful.

    Medusa is the most beautiful of the sisters, with a very voluptuous figure, and lush hair that reaches down to her waist. She reaches a height of 6'00 even, and weighs 155 lbs. making her the smallest and lightest of the sisters. Her lower arms are made of metal, with special, collapsible blades that are hidden in the wrists, as well as a gear that sticks out of her back that is always shown turning in a clockwards motion. She has pale skin, blue eyes, long blonde hair, and wears a purple dress like her sisters, this being low cut and strapless, and goes down to cover her legs, as well as sleeves that go down to her wrists.
    Weapon: Wrist Blades
    Tool: None

    Past shrouded in mystery, Medusa is the youngest of the Sisters that watch over Undertown. She is supposed to visit the districts once a day to catch up on progress, but instead she sends in others to check for her, and takes in the credit for herself, and stays at the Olympus House to be pampered on, and letting her elder sisters do all the work. She serves as an ambassador for the districts, and is supposed to bring up any problems or concerns to her fellow sisters.
    Home District: Zeus District.

    Interesting fact: The Sisters were based off of the three gorgon sisters, Stheno, Huryale and Medusa, as well as parts of their personality (minus the snake hair XD)
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Can't wait to make my character. just need to find some inspiration. should have mine up tomorrow.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright just take your time
  12. Alright, I finally completed my character. I took a couple of liberties with this character, specifically with his occupation and back story, so if there's anything you'd like me to change, just let me know. About the law-making thing, I don't actually intent to make any laws in character or abuse it in any way. He's more of a bureaucrat.

    Name: Jack Landgrave

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Jack Landgrave.jpg

    Personality: Jack is the picture of a gentleman. Some of his positive traits include being modest, dignified and respectful. Some of his less-positive aspects include being somewhat entitled, sheltered, and egotistical. Most people would describe Jack as a charismatic person.

    Occupation: Following after his father, Jack is a politician. Specifically, he is a part of a law-making body that suggests new laws and changes of policy to the Sisters and the Leader. His formal position is "Legislator." However, Jack is known to take things into his own hands and apprehend criminals of his own accord, so much so that the Undertown security force recognizes him as a "Civilian Enforcer."

    Weapon: In a gentlemanly fight or a fight for his honor, Jack uses his fists. When taking down a criminal, sometimes greater measures are necessary; in that case, Jack's "tool" comes into play.

    Tool: Ink, quill, and parchment to draft laws and documents.

    Cybernetic Implants/Modifications: Transdermic Electro-capacitor- This is a modification that allows Jack to absorb and release electrical charges from his skin. He is able to negate the effects of low to medium powered shocks, such as those dispensed by a stun gun, as well as administer similarly-powered shocks through his skin. His electrical charges aren’t usually strong enough to be lethal, but they can be if he delivers them to the chest or temple. This is Jack’s only cybernetic modification, otherwise he is completely organic.

    Biography: Jack's father, Augustein Rufus Landgrave, was once one of Professor Abel's dearest friends. Soon after the Professor had started building his underground lab, Augustein began to take an interest in Abel's work and requested to work alongside him. The Landgraves were a wealthy family on the surface, and the closer that Augustein got with Professor Abel, the more money he would donate to Abel’s cause. Augustein had Jack only three years before the death of Professor Abel. When he heard that Abel's lab had began to form into an underground city, Augustein gathered his wealth and his family and moved down into the newly named "Undertown."

    Jack’s childhood was a sheltered one; he was privately schooled by tutors that his father hired and wasn’t allowed to leave the house much. However, Jack’s father made it a point to take him out every now and then so he did not become jaded. He also taught Jack through experience, giving him many life skills that similarly-privileged children might not have had. It was during his childhood that Jack gained his passion for law-enforcement, derived from his a strong sense of justice imbued by his father. It was also during this time that he began to enjoy politics, again, because of his father, but this time because of Jack’s respect for Augustein. The work wasn’t glamorous, but it needed to be done, and Jack admired that.

    Shortly after Jack’s 18th birthday, his father died from a respiratory illness. By this age, Jack had been sculpted into a fine young gentleman, but at the same time, his love and respect for his father was paramount, so he took the death harshly. However, he did not shy away from his duty; from the moment of his father’s death, Jack vowed that he would take his father’s work one step further and become the Leader of Undertown. He immediately began to study to become a legislator, securing the job by age 20. In this time, Jack became well known around the community as a voice of the people, as he was very vocal with the citizens and always took the commoners into consideration whenever a law or policy was passed.

    Within the past year, Jack has seen scummy criminals try to debase Undertown. One night, as he was walking back to his home after a long night of legal debate, he saw a woman being robbed in a back alley. Jack ran to stop the robber, but he was too late; the woman had already been stabbed and the robber was already out of sight. He carried her as fast as he could to a doctor, but there was nothing they could do. From that night, Jack blames himself for any harm that comes to the civilians. He is extremely protective of them and has begun to take the law into his own hands, subduing criminals and taking them to the jail to await trial. At first, the security force was hesitant to allow it, but knowing the Landgrave name, Jack’s vehemence, and his natural aptitude at apprehending criminals, they eventually caved and named him a “Civilian Enforcer.”

    Currently, Jack is doing everything he can to promote himself as “best candidate for leader” of Zeus District.

    Home District: Zeus District.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved, and no its fine
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    RP has moved to Enix Origins.

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