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Universal War(Angel vs. Sifer)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Arena' started by DarkAngel, Mar 22, 2012.

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  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    The realms of Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts collided and now its time for the rest of the universe to do the same...10 contenders...one champion...one left to live...Who will win...who will lose...no one knows...

    Alrighty this is a fight that will help us in our RP skills...at least it will help me XD anyways like it said there will be ten participants all run by us...no god moding...one weapon...weak guns(If any at all)...and they have to be human(I will make an exseption for FF main Characters but thats it)...there is no limit to the number of characters you can use from the KH or FF series and you can have one sommon if any at all...Drives are allowed but you get hit and it will disappeare...No final or Anti...Buhamut(Witch is my favorite summon) and any more powerful than him(Minus Anima) are not aloud...as for magic you are only allowed one power in that aspect...all of this is One per character and can be used for any character even if it dosen't pertain to that character...

    Template: (Can create your own character)

    World: (If you want it from any that is)
    Weapon: (Has to be in Human weight limit)
    Dive Fourm(s): (Opptioanl)
    Summon: (Opptional)
    Particapation number: (The number of the participant)
    Theme: (Optional)

    any Questions just ask:D
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Must resist... from fixing all... those... GRAMMAR MISTAKES!!!

    I may join... if I do I'll side with Angel, and use RG Sho.
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...well your the mod but this is only a one on one and not to be mean but you do have to fill out a particapent set up...I guess that I will make two characters then to make the set up even...YUna will face Angle and I think I will have Rikku face Sho...oh and you remember that if you get hit his Fourm power is gone right?
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Seriously Sifer, I just went through your post, and I think I might of got most of them(stopped reading because it was hurting my brain) but I fixed your spelling. I told you to download and use safari because your spelling sucks.


    Plus not to mention sounding out the word you should be able to spell them correctly...


    Plus your grammar is pretty bad as well. That entire thing is just one very long run on sentence.
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    *Facepalms*...I invite Angel and I get the intire staff on my case:D this is getting interesting wonder why I am the center...oh wiat...this is my arena set up XD

    Name: Yuna
    World: FFX-2
    Apperance: http://www.ffotaku.com/images/final-fantasy-x-2/wallpapers/Yuna_3.jpg
    Weapon: http://propsops.com/weapons/etc/yuna/yuna002.jpg
    Dive Fourm(s): none
    Summon: Shivia
    Particapation number: 3
    Theme: none

    Name: Rikku
    World: FFX-2
    Apperance: http://www.rpgamer.com/games/ff/ffx-2/art/ffx-2041.jpg
    Weapon: http://www.bountyhardware.com/props/thiefblades2.jpg
    Dive Fourm(s): none
    Summon: Irift
    Particapation number: 4
    Theme: none

    planing on a third if you can gues witch one XD
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    *Rages* So many errors!!!!!

    Destiny's right though Sifer, you need to do something about that horrendous(such a wierd word o.o) spelling and grammar...
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I am going to use Safari after this posted so its taken care of:p
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Ventus

    World: Unknown (resides in Land of Departure)


    Weapon: The Keyblade (Lost Memory)

    Drive Form(s):

    Summon: (D-Links)

    Participation number: #1

    Theme: Simple and Clean Plantib Remix
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I can understand most of this but your only alowed one summon Angel...other then that you good!
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Technically, they are D-Links not summons but okay!
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I know but they are still practicly the same thing you know XD anyways the first battle is about to begin but first you need to set up how he got sucked into the tournament so you start and I will post after ok?

    Edit: well seeing as no one knows what to post I will start:D

    Yuna and her friends Rikku and Paine were injoing there trip when they were attacked by Tidus. they beat him and proved that once again sneak attacks don't work. all of a sudden a Light shined around the group and they disapered.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2012
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