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Unoffical 2012 Member of the Year Award

Discussion in 'Archive' started by x3pic, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Back when I started this was pretty fun. Pretty much vote for a member in each section that fits the description. Kinda like the MTV awards or something. Its a little late but whatever. Build your stats up for next years.
    Original Creator was Goldfish.
    So yea, pretty much cast you votes by PM'ing me.
    Closing the polls next Tuesday.
    Will be announced next Wednesdays

    Member of the Year >>
    Mega Poster>> (one who posts a lot)
    Best Grammar>> (one who corrects grammar and punctuation all the time)
    Worst Grammar>> (slave for grammar. terrible at it. Improve yourself)
    Class Clown>>(funniest memberl)
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> (the last to quest on)
    Best Admin>> (best Administrator)
    Best Super Mod>> (best Super Moderator)
    Best Mod>> (best Moderator)
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> (the ranting member)
    Best Avy>> (best avatar)
    Best Signature>> (best signature)
    Arcade Nerd>> (one who goes to the arcade the most)
    Repper>> (just go through your recently repped by list, who's repped you the most. unless you have a better idea)
    Anarchist>> (as cool as this one sounds, it's not good for you. sites rule breaker)
    Loyal Liberal>> (changing member)
    Conducting Conservative>> (same old same old member)
    Kingdom Hearts Know It All>> (Knows the most about Kingdom Hearts)
    Active Ace>> (most active member)
    Most Annoying>> (you got it)
    Least Annoying>> (it's right there)
    Young Gun>> (best new member)
    Old Mold>> (best old member)
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> (video game know it all)
    2012's Sexiest Guy/Girl >> (how you decide this is up to you)
    Role Playing Grenade>> (best roleplayer)
    Biggest Surprise>> (the one who surprised us)
    GFX Artist>> (. Best GFX person)
    Cutest Couple>> (eh, you get the idea, I hope)

    good luck
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Member of the Year >> Angel
    Mega Poster>> Zacax
    Best Grammar>> Destiny
    Worst Grammar>> None
    Class Clown>> ADogx
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> Reprise
    Best Admin>> ... Um... Vox?
    Best Super Mod>> XD Myself. Lol. Just kidding Destiny
    Best Mod>> (best Moderator)
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> Me, myself and I. XD
    Best Avy>> Kitty
    Best Signature>> Definitely moi. XD Nah. BK-201
    Arcade Nerd>> ADogx
    Repper>>Me, myself and I
    Anarchist>> None
    Loyal Liberal>> Kurai (Forgot the rest of his super long username. XD)
    Conducting Conservative>> Desert Warrior
    Kingdom Hearts Know It All>> Angel (Sorry x3pic but he stole your spot)
    Active Ace>> Taboo Sho
    Most Annoying>> Sho. -.-
    Least Annoying>> Reprise
    Young Gun>> ^^ JROSE! Love her already!
    Old Mold>> Wayward
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> Me, myself and I.
    2012's Sexiest Guy/Girl >> ... Hope
    Role Playing Grenade>> Wayward
    Biggest Surprise>> Um... ?
    GFX Artist>> Kitty
    Cutest Couple>> Hope and Desert Warrior
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'll have to edit this when I think of some more people.

    Member of the Year >> Reprise!
    Mega Poster>> Reprise.
    Best Grammar>> Destiny [Got to give it to the English major]
    Worst Grammar>> Dark Angel aka Trio! ^_^
    Class Clown>>Give me a sec.
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> What?
    Best Admin>> Kitty! Because Kitty and I post in generally the same sections and she has been so active.
    Best Super Mod>>
    Best Mod>> Napoleon, when she was around! Kassie was always fun to talk to.
    Sir Rant-a-lot>>
    Best Avy>> Vox [You have the best avvies]
    Best Signature>> (best signature)
    Arcade Nerd>> Summoner.
    Repper>> I believe this is Summoner again.
    Anarchist>> Dark Angel aka Trio. Represent! [I'm so nerdy]
    Loyal Liberal>>
    Conducting Conservative>>
    Kingdom Hearts Know It All>> Me! It's honestly not right to vote for oneself but I like to break the mold.
    Active Ace>>Kitty's been really active so kudos.
    Most Annoying>> Sho! You got this one locked!
    Least Annoying>>SteveMildred. I bet you know why.
    Young Gun>> JRose, I already think that your amazing so you definitely deserve this. Zacax was a close second though.
    Old Mold>> Requiem, I would think.
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>>ADogX I would think is the best for this little RTFM.
    2012's Sexiest Guy/Girl >> I'ma steal Summoner's choice and choose Hope.
    Role Playing Grenade>> Wayward seems to deserve this one. The post I've seen from him are good!
    Biggest Surprise>> Paranoia God and Before I Decay. Surprised us all!
    GFX Artist>> I think Paranoia God was the best this year!
    Cutest Couple>> Destiny X Summoner. All the Way!
  4. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Member of the Year>> Angel!
    Mega Poster>> Light&Dark, she got up to vet in less than a year.
    Best Grammar>> I'm not sure, Wayward maybe? Never seen him make a grammatical error.
    Worst Grammar>> Dark Angle/Dark Angel/ Trio
    Class Clown>> Angel, I think it was him who made a certain comment about the Iron Imprisoner ^_^
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> Summoner :p
    Best Admin>> Vox or Kitty? Vox... Or Kitty? Kitty, I say.
    Best Super Mod>> That's a hard one, but I think Summoner.
    Best Mod>> Me. Joking, Napoléon, definitely.
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> Summoner XD
    Best Avy>> Vox
    Best Signature>> Angel
    Arcade Nerd>> Summoner
    Repper>> Napoléon
    Anarchist>> Dark Angle/Dark Angel/ Trio again
    Loyal Liberal>> ?
    Conducting Conservative>> ?
    Kingdom Hearts Know It All>> Angel, of course
    Active Ace>> Angel, again
    Most Annoying>> Pi-face(Sho)
    Least Annoying>> Vox
    Young Gun>> JRose just about stole this from Zacax and Kurai
    Old Mold>> Napoléon again
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> Sho
    2012's Sexiest Guy/Girl >> Yup, Hope
    Role Playing Grenade>> Wayward
    Biggest Surprise>> Paranoia God and Before I Decay, easily.
    GFX Artist>> Another hard one. Before I Decay, I think.
    Cutest Couple>> Hope and Desert Warrior

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