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Valentine's graduation apocolipse(OOC/SU, Rated R/M for mature romantic seans)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, May 25, 2012.

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  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    chosen song for this RP...

    Linkin Park - Valentine's Day - YouTube

    its valentines day, and for some people Grduation day. a boy walks up to the stand to report his ideals for graduating and going on to his new life. "I just want to thank everyone for being here today and..." the mike screached with sound. the boy fixes the mike "...giving moral and emotional support to all the graduets here today..." the mike gose off again. a siren can be heard outside. the room fills with a light. everything gose black. when the boy wakes up he finds himself in a pile of wreckage and pushes his way out to find the room filled with haze. the smeel of blood and smog fill the air. not a living soul with in his sight. "what...what happend..." he said noticing the outside was dark and gray. "It was sunny out today..." he walks to a door in the room and opens it letting it fall of its hinges as it opens up. he walks out side and sees Black snow coming from the sky. no not black snow...ash...he looks at the town and sees buildings crumbling to the ground from what looks like an explosion. the boy drops to his knees. "am I...the last one alive?"

    this is a post apocoliptic RP. Basic RP rules aply. no one has any sort of special powers and there is barely anyone alive. the characters will have to work together to survive against the wild. the reason I chose valintines day is because this it saposed to be a romance/horror RP the horror part being that the world has ended. we need atleast one guy and one girl for the RP to get started. a fair warning this will be a mature content Romance RP so for those who are imature about content such as romance then please don't say anything in this...there are little to no dangers so no one will die. also no special training except for maybe things like EMT trainning, these are just normal kids and they will act like normal kids.


    Bio-(Brif history)
    Past Truma in their life-(Other then surviveing the worst natural desaster ever, this is for that Romantic part of the story)
    Training-(EMT, Cheff anything thats not got to due with hitting and killing or things of that nature, must still be in trainning, not needed)
    other info-(Past others, faviorit foods, anything you want to addthat I didn't ask for so that we now your character a bit better)
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Is parkour and martial arts acceptable, because I am a normal kid and I do both XD
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    funny...no unfortunrtly this is a non danger set up so unfortunetly you don't have those choices...
  4. This sounds really fun, i definately want to do this :)

    Name- Ame Webb

    Age- 16 (soon to be 17)

    Appearance- about 5’5” with medium length light brown hair, blue eyes, average size body

    Bio-Ame was born in Arizona, but has lived in Colorado California Nevada Minnesota Michigan Washington Rhode island and Florida. She lives with her Father and older brother Duke in a small sized house in (where ever the story takes place). She has only ever had douche bag boyfriends that she never really liked in the first place, but she just tries to fit in. Ame has always received excellent grades in school, and keeps in touch with only a few of her old friends from around the country.

    Past Trauma in their life- Mother killed herself a year and a half ago left a note basically saying that someone close to her betrayed her and she couldn’t live with it but did not specify who did or what they did or why they did it. She also keeps this note with her at all times.
    Training- no special training of any kind just relatively smart and thinks very logically (if that would count toward special training)

    other info- She and her brother lived with their mother up until she died at which time they moved in with their father (her parents had been divorced since she was a toddler). Although she had no desire to live with her father, in fact she had not talked to her father in 4 years until she was forced to move in with him. Duke was hurt by his mother’s death (as was everyone close to her mother) but Ame felt that he was not nearly as hurt as he should be. After her mother’s death, she became depressed and it didn’t help that she had to live with her father (whom she calls by his first name of Roy). Although she is very able to hide her depression completely to the point of people not even being able to know that she is depressed. She is completely determined that unicorns exist, and she loves sushi!
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    This thread is months old and it's creator banned, spaghetti; always pay attention to those details and don't post in old/dead threads. By all means, this should be moved to the old role plays area.
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