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Video Game OST

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by SkylerOcon, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    Hey guys.

    Whats your favorite video game OST (soundtrack) and why? I personally like the Brawl one because it has huge variety, but the Super Mario World I have is also pretty good.

    Games whose OST I have trouble finding are:

    Kingdom Hearts/Kingdom Hearts II (get a glitchy error message whenever I try to download from this site)

    Tales of Symphonia

    What about you?
  2. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    My favorite OST was Persona 3. I didn't know Brawl had a soundtrack, i gotta look into that.
  3. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Probably KH1. Luke owns the actual CD and I borrowed it from him. Still haven't returned it, though...
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Hmm, I dunno about the actual OST's, but there are several games with good music. Final Fantasy games top the list, with a few exceptions. I'm also fond of Zelda music. Mario is good too, with the right arrangements. It tends to get rather repetetive otherwise.

    Halo had a good soundtrack, Kingdom Hearts had its moments. God of War had really good music, though I dunno how interesting it would be to listen to. It fit very well with the game though.

    Also, the Guitar Hero/Rock Band sountracks are no doubt great. Not original music, to be sure. But there are a lot of great classics in there.

    Also, I'm moving this to gaming. Seems to fit better there for me.
  5. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    If you want the KH soundtracks, I can PM you a link to a KH site that has them all in HQ. =) Tell me if you want 'em.

    My favorite tracks are:
    • Kingdom Hearts I, 2 and Re: CoM.
    • Rockman Zero 1-4 (and the remastered versions)
    • Rockman Battle Network 2 & 3.
    • Sonic Adventure - I *love* this one. It has a great variety. Plus the theme song is amazing.
    • Guitar Hero - Not so much the actual songs in the game. It inspired me to go and get the CD's, as a matter of fact. The singles in it were good though.
    I've been looking to get SSBB's soundtrack, but been kinda lazy.
  6. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    PM them to me please jigglypuff.gif

    And of course the Guitar Hero soundtracks would be good. Those songs are like... awesome.

    I have five complete OST right now (Brawl, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World, MapleStory, and Yoshi Story). I have about five songs from the original F-Zero.

    And, the Brawl Soundtrack (its missing about 10 out of 258 songs, but has the melee soundtrack in there as well) can be found in two parts. Here and here

    Edit: One of the greatest soundtracks of all time (Mario Kart 64) can be found here. I just found it today.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008

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