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Villains Rule OOC RPG

Discussion in 'Archive' started by urahara64360, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. urahara64360

    urahara64360 New Member

    this is a RPG I've wanted to do for awhile and the basic premise is that the world is dominated by villains and there is a small group of heroes to try to take the world back from the Villain overlords. I will play the main villain in charge as well as of minion characters. anyone may join as a hero or a villain but there are a few perks for being a villain. there is no real story aside from that it will work itself out as we go along
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Is there a template? and i think you may want a more solid explination, like what types of villains and heroes? and stuff like that if you want any good RPers to join.
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    yeah, I'm with knight on this one...
  4. urahara64360

    urahara64360 New Member

    yeah i know the description is too vague. Here is a better description villains is now an ambiguous term for anyone who sides with the overlord and the heroes are the ones who are opposed. The heroes are resistance fighters who have some form of super power or tech smarts with limited resources to try to bring down the system. the villains are super powered as well, all of them work for the system and those who are neither can be rouges mercenaries or civilians. your character can have any kind of power you want but only one power so choose wisely the use of any weapon is permitted. Does this sound better if you need any further information just ask
  5. Key King

    Key King Member

    the character template?
  6. urahara64360

    urahara64360 New Member

    this is the main things your character will need
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ^that's more like it. Now people know what to go with.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    May I suggest before jumping into the world of rping take a good look at our guide, about 6 rp moderators have spent there time and effort into it. And perhaps reorganize this at the top. I can tell this RP has potential however though I can't get far without a good backbone.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Name: Akira Musashi

    Gender: Male

    Alignment: Hero

    Age: 14

    Species: Super Human


    Abilities: Molecular/Electricity Manipulation: Hei possesses the ability to generate and discharge electricity through conductive media (i.e. he cannot discharge it through air or concrete) at sufficiently high amounts to kill grown men or short out a building's electrical systems. The power is more than simple electric shocks, he can alter matter on the quantum level.

    Theme: SAOSIN - Translating The Name EP - YouTube

    Other: Nothing

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