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Voided Carnage ( original Symbiote /SpidermanaRP)OOC-SIGNUPS RESTART

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    It is unclear from where the symbiotes actually originated, but it is known that their species existed for millions of years prior to the arrival of the Venom symbiote on Earth. It is implied that Galactus, devourer of worlds, consumed a world in which they had taken over and thrived upon. It was mistakenly believed that this was their homeworld. It is shown through the Carnage symbiote that this was a world whose dominant life forms had been overrun by the marauding symbiotes.

    symbiotes were originally an unfeeling, conquering race, taking over any species they come in contact with to feed off of emotions, mainly adrenaline rushes from death-defying feats. As a consequence, the hosts are short-lived. The Venom symbiote was different because it desired a strong bond with a single host, and desired to belong rather than to dominate, leading to imprisonment by its own race, at which point it was brought to Battleworld during the first Secret Wars.

    Now in the year 3590 The symbiotes have returned to the suface of earth. Each of these individual Symbiotes carried the traits and DNA from the Venom and Carnage Simboiotes. They have all found Human host and each has its own personality.

    However lifeforms have now come to earth those that rival the symbiotes in strenths and abliites they are called the Shadow this name was givin to them by the first Symbiote race. The menace that almost wiped out the species of symbiotes. The remaining Shadow's have come to earth to finish off the remaining Symbiote lifeforms..

    The Shadow Menance

    The creatures labeled as the shadow rival the symbiotes in strengths and abilities. however as a symbiote is a liquid mucous form. the shadows are exactly as the name sounds they are shadows. there only downfall is that when they jump from host to host there life-span drops drammaticlly unlike the symbiote that can move from host to host without a problem(Meaning if the host is in danger and the Shadow itself feels threatened it jumps to another host however doing this transition the Shadow is in a weakened state for 48 hours"2days".The shadows are illusionary beings in that they have no solid form unless they latch onto a host. once in the host they become similar to the same set up as a symbiote. A shadow excels in the amount of abilties in comparison to a symbiote. the shadows are immune to certain elements of this world. for example if you put a shadow's host in flames not a scratch or burn will be layed upon him. but for every strength there is a weakness. these rules do not apply to all some are weak against fire some are not it all depends on how they form the bond with host personality. The shadows have telekinetic energy streaming through them. which in itself allows them to control things around them with a simple thought. Elemental energy streams through there particles. which allows them to control a element of there choice. The reasons the symbiotes and shadow's have fueded for so many years is simply because Shadow's eat Symbiotes for life force to sustain them

    The evolutionary Symbiote

    Many years have passed since the original Venom and Carnage also Toxin Symbiotes. The continuous changes of DNA and space metamorphosis have changed the symbiotes. they no longer desire to jump from one host to another. there abilities have drastically increased. They are now immune to most elements. there poly form texture skin allows this. They have telepathy given to there host that allows them to predict movements (spider sense) which was adapted from the original spider man. besides that they have been fitted with a unique techniuqe allowing them to change forms into a hybrid Symbiote a second body of you will. this enables a massive power jump and physical appearance boost. When in this stage they are stronger than the shadows or even with even a shadows strongest power level. the new hybrid symbiotes no longer make sickness worse in there host if anything they heal faster and progress easier. also the symbiote takes on more of its own personality and protects the host from any danger even if the host is alseep or unconscious

    1.) I reserve the right to tell you or ask you to change your character if needed
    2: No Godmoding(Slight godmodding is allowed for Shadows due to there strength)
    3: No Powerplaying
    4: Literacy is a must if your template isn’t you will not be accepted
    5:post "My Inner Me" On top of your temp
    6:please be creative
    7:Have fun


    Symbiote Tempate

    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote):
    Symbiote Name:
    Symbiote Apperance:
    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote)

    Shadow Template

    Personality(evil.... but elaborate)
    Major Strenght: (Elemental Power)
    Shadow Apperance:

    I'll add more spots if this fills up. I have the right to decline a spot if i don't belive your activity will be acceptable.
    Current Spider-man: ( Open)
    Symbiote 1:Vox)
    Symbiote 2:Open
    Symbiote 3: Open
    Symbiote:4 Open)

    Shadow 1 : Open
    Shadow 2: Open)
    Shadow 3: Open)
    Shadow 4: Open)
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I'll repost my old profile later. I'm working on borrowed time atm.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Skylore Thompson (Sky)



    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote):
    As a little girl, Skylore was always a little strange. She was very quiet around big groups of people and sometimes it was a challenge for even her parents to get her to speak her mind. After she turned seventeen she got a little better about that. Now she is an extremely patient person and she has a habit of saying nothing for days on end. She only talks to those she considers a close friend and if her enimies didn't know any better they would say she was a mute but that isn't true because the time she spends not talking to people, she spends having internal conversations with her symbiote, Sienna. Skylore and Sienna have nearly apposing personalities and Sienna sometimes would call Skylore borring. Skylore has few people that she trusts enough to call her friend and among those people she acts like any normal girl would she talks with them alot and even smiles.


    Symbiote Name:

    Symbiote Apperance:

    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote)
    Sky grew up in a small farming community. When Skylore was fifteen she hit a bit of a rebellious stage. She started dating an older guy whose name she doesn't even remember now. It was late one night when she got home to find her father furious with her for breaking cerfiew let alone it was because she was with him again. The two got into a huge argument which ended with Sky telling her father that she hated him and then storming out of the house. That was the last time she ever saw her parents.
    That night she was wandering aimlessly through the streets of town and eventually left the town altogether and got lost somewhere in the mountains. In her wandering she found a cave where she could have sworn she heard someone crying inside. Worrying that there was a child trapped in there and lead by her curiosity, she wandered into the cave but what she found wasn't what she was expecting. There was a grown woman inside the cave, she begged Sky to help her. She said she was dying and that she needed life. She needed Skylore's life to survive. Skylore wasn't sure what to do, she was promised that she wouldn't die. The woman kept saying things about two in one mind. Confused but driven by the need to help this strange woman, Skylore agreed to do whatever she was needed to do. She doesn't remember much after that.
    She woke up later outside the mouth of the cave sore and feeling weak the next morning. She heard a voice inside her head. The voice introduced herself as Sienna and Skylore learned from Sienna's memories and thoughts from their now shared mind everything about what she now was and the power she now posessed. Sky was at first angry and confused and she wanted Sienna out of her mind. She wanted a normal life and posession of her own body but Sienna's memories of her life in her previous host in New York City. Those memories made it difficult for Skylore to focus on her wishes to go home and life her own life again. They were overweighed by Sienna's wishes to return to New York. Skylore wanted to return home and appologise to her father for the things she had said to him the night before but when she got home she found all of her posessions on the front porch and the doors were locked. On the front door was a note that simply said that this was no longer her home. Her parents had disowned her and she hasn't talked to them since she was sixteen. She is now nineteen.

    ~All five senses hightened.
    ~Extreme flexability far more than any double jointed man.
    ~Speed and endurance. She has yet to meet someone who can keep up with her when she really tries.
    ~Camoflauge. She is very good at staying unseen and unheard when she wants to.
    ~She can't stick to surfaces but she is a good climber without that ability. She can find a way to climb up any surface unless of course it is a smooth.
    ~Weaponry. She hardly ever runs out of weapons because unless extremely weakened, she can create things out of the matter around her.
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Name: Riona Starling

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Personality: A quiet, shy type. Although, due to the symbiote, she hears a voices* in her head, and argues with them frequently. Was an eccentric artist of sorts.

    Apperance: Tengu Jerusalem by ~MaullarMaullar on deviantART

    Symbiote Name: Sonia

    Symbiote Apperance: Human robot +andromeda+ by *teri-san on deviantART

    Bio: Riona Starling was once a joyful artist. Bouncy, bubbly personality - and although she wasn't too well known, she didn't care. It was the fact that at least somebody knew who she was that counted. But, one day something happened. There was a fire in her home - she was asleep at the time, so the incident was a blur. The cause of the fire? The reports said nothing. It was just blamed on a faulty plug. The fire destroyed her house completely, incinerating everything. But, miraculously, Riona survived. Somehow, she was moved outside onto her lawn. Of course, she didn't remember a thing - the paramedics called it, "Trauma-induced amnesia". Of course, the truth lies elsewhere. . . Now, she wanders from place to place, her abilities stealing food and finding safe ground to sleep in.**

    # Heavily enhanced cellular regeneration
    # Able to induce powerful sonic 'shouts' (However, backlash causes the symbiote skin to become weaker for a short time)
    # Sticking to Walls
    # Superior hearing capability/Sonar
    # Can vibrate an object to it's natural frequency*** when touching it.
    # Use 'Hair' as whiplike appendages to a length of 30 feet each.
    # Enhanced physical abilities (I.E. Speed, strength, etc
    # Able to move alround silently
    # Using the natural frequency thing, she can also fuse objects together.

    *I'm not going to RP the voices.
    ** She didn't have insurance. END OF STORY.
    ***That means it can shatter.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Lemme go find that Spider-Man sign up I made last time.....

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- I promised myself not to roleplay as much but I want to see how Prodigy's roleplay will be like. For the first time that everyone else never tried, I will only roleplay as a human with only one ability and that's it. No fighting abilities ever. She can try to fight but she is not a fighter. <.> DW and Nozomi. Your character's pictures is making the words run off the site.

    Human template (Or Symbiote if you want to count her only ability)

    Name: Latasha Shewings
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Is scared when she sees things that is not normal. Can be very smart but is talkative.

    Symbiote Name: None
    Symbiote Appearance: None

    Abilities: Have the power of clairvoyance, which allows her to easily gain information on objects, persons, locations and physical events way beyond her human senses. Because of clairvoyance, she can use this power to heal but she can only do this through the usage of information on objects, persons abilities, locations and physical events that can enable her to use some type of healing ability to let her heal that certain condition. She is more useful as a supporting person and as a guide.

    Bio: She was a good child, born in 3573 in a city called Virgini, Virginia. She was a good child and showed good sportsmanship, showing her skills in tennis, cheerleading and track. She also shows good school spirit through grades, singing and dancing. At the age of 12, she ended up feeling faint and was feeling dizzy, enabling a ability and started to see things and know about some things in people that can startle people. She is not a Symbiote but she shows Symbiote abilities herself. Being the only human with this ability, she starts to freak out and sometimes, go to therapy when people finds her crazy. Still, she didn't allow that to stop her. She is not much of a fighter.

    Theme: YouTube - Jazmine Sullivan - Need U Bad
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ok once i have 2 symbiotes and 2 shadows we can start. Others can join as we progress.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You better make an update as to which spots have been taken.
  9. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    Shadow Template

    Name: Vanessa Hawkins
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    personality: vanessa is very intelligent and kept to herself. often spacing out and due to being a social outcast at her orphanage she doesnt like expressing herself unless its for the destruction of her enemies which just so happens to be mainly the evolutionary symbiotes. she gets slightly influenced by the shadown symbiote to a point where she'll crush everyone and everything in her path be it friend or foe to achieve her ultimate goals.


    Major (elemental ) strength: she currently only possses two elements due to the fact that her main ability allows 1) to copy her opponents every single ability and
    2) to gain and retain the abilities of the fallen symbiotes she has eaten
    - she gained her second element from consuming her brother.

    Shadow name: Xaru- The Howling Angel
    Shadow appearance:

    Bio: will be added on a little later

    - ability to form additional appendages; limbs, wings and tendrils out of her body
    - ability to shapeshift ( which explains why her symbiote fomr is the way it is ) (picture might change if i find a better one)
    - ability to blend her surroundings
    - ability of flight
    - ability to produce webbing from its own mass
    - super-human strength
    - superior speed & agility
    - limited invulnerability
    - generic memory, recalling information from previous hosts
    - enhanced healing factor
    - ability to copy, gain and retain her enemies abilites
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alright everyone. The pretense of this currently is prologue. None of you are aware that there are "others" like you. nor are you aware of the shadows/symbiotes war that they have had going on for generations. You may start posting. However were short on shadows i need at least 2 more to make it even.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <.> And please don't treat my character like she's one of the symbiote or the shadows. She's just a regular human with a ability. Nothing else.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I guess I could take the other spot, although it may end up being counter productive to RL...
  13. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    And I can just make another shadow to compete it if thts okay.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Brandon. Denied

    Hayami i dont want u to have to do that.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Has this RP died already? I'm the only person to have posted. Why have people put up characters if they're not actually going to commit to the RP? I've looked foreward to this RP, but it isn't even able to get off the ground.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *sigh* I was gone last week. If you guys are willing to go on with this lets do it. I'll make a post there anyway just in case. Rai if you would rather me not bump a week old RP thread just delete this. I think we should get on with the show though lol.
  18. Hayami tetsumoto

    Hayami tetsumoto New Member

    same here. been gone for a whole week up in newyork. and my grandparents dont own a computer with internet so yea lol ^_^; i'd like to continue this also.
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hmmmm..... if this is still going on, I can offer up another symbiote and a shadow.

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