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Voided Carnage

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    It is unclear from where the symbiotes actually originated, but it is known that their species existed for millions of years prior to the arrival of the Venom symbiote on Earth. It is implied that Galactus, devourer of worlds, consumed a world in which they had taken over and thrived upon. It was mistakenly believed that this was their homeworld. It is shown through the Carnage symbiote that this was a world whose dominant life forms had been overrun by the marauding symbiotes.

    symbiotes were originally an unfeeling, conquering race, taking over any species they come in contact with to feed off of emotions, mainly adrenaline rushes from death-defying feats. As a consequence, the hosts are short-lived. The Venom symbiote was different because it desired a strong bond with a single host, and desired to belong rather than to dominate, leading to imprisonment by its own race, at which point it was brought to Battleworld during the first Secret Wars.

    Now in the year 3590 The symbiotes have returned to earth withing a crater.These were all Symbiote spawns from the Venom and Carnage Simboiotes. They have all found Human host and each has its own personality.These take notice from the original venom symbiote to the fact that the desire to be with a single host as opposed to jumping from host to host.

    There are lifeforms that have now also come to earth those that rival the symbiotes in strenths and abliites they are called the Shadow this name was givin to them by the origial Symbiote world to the meneces that killed symbiotes. The remaining Shadow's have come to earth to finish off the remaining Symbiote lifeforms..

    The Shadow Menance

    The creatures labeled as the shadow rival the symbiotes in strengths and abilities. however as a symbiote is a liquid mucous form. the shadows are exactly as the name sounds they are shadows. there only downfall is that when they jump from host to host there life-span drops drammaticlly unlike the symbiote that can move from host to host without a problem(Meaning if the host is in danger and the Shadow itself feels threatened it jumps to another host however doing this transition the Shadow is in a weakened state for 48 hours"2days".The shadows are illusionary beings in that they have no solid form unless they latch onto a host. once in the host they become similar to the same set up as a symbiote. A shadow however has more effects than a symbiote. the shadows are immune to certain elements of the world. for example if you put a shadow's host in flames not a scratch or burn will be layed upon him. but for every strength there is a weakness. these rules do not apply to all some are weak against fire some are not it all depends on how they form the host personality. The shadows have telekinetic energy streaming through them. which in itself allows them to control things around them with a simple thought. Elemental energy streams through there particles. which allows them to control a element of there choice depending on how there spawned from a nother shadow.The reasons the symbiotes and shadow's have fueded for so many years is simply because Shadow's......EAT Symbiotes for life force to sustain them

    The evolutionary Symbiote

    Many years have passed since the original Venom and Carnage also Toxin Symbiotes. The continuous changes of DNA and space metamorphosis have changed the symbiotes. they no longer desire to jump from one host to another. there abilities have drastically increased. They are now immune to most elements. there poly form texture skin allows this. They have telepathy given to there host that allows them to predict movements (spider sense) which was adapted from the original spider man. besides that they have been fitted with a unique techniuqe allowing them to change forms into a hybrid Symbiote a second body of you will. this enables a massive power jump and physical appearance boost. When in this stage they are stronger than the shadows or even with even a shadows strongest power level. the new hybrid symbiotes no longer make sickness worse in there host if anything they heal faster and progress easier. also the symbiote takes on more of its own personality and protects the host from any danger even if the host is alseep or unconscious

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``RP START

    I'll edit my post soon
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Spider-Man! You are under arrest in direct violation of hte Superhuman Registration Act!" A few police officers yelled as Tom Parker swung through the city. He just glanced down at them, chuckling to himself. "Sure thing. I'll go quietly.... If you can actually catch me." The officers pulled out their guns, taking aim at Tom. "Aww.... That's not very nice." Tom shot a few web bursts, hitting the guns out of their hands. He then shot out another web, grabbing all the guns. Tom balled them up in web and stuck them to a wall. "Later." He then began web-slinging away.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    'You're so slow, Sky'

    She heard her inner self complain as Skylore walked on the sidewalk. She understood Sienna's impatience. Sienna was use to her former host's restlessness. She had grown acustomed to Hannah's (The Former Host) constant will to push herself to the limits of her powers at all times just to feel the rush of the speed, and hights she could achieve.

    Sienna's and Hannah's personalities had matched up well. Sienna was just as restless, constantly looking for a new adventure and alwas very spunky. Skylore was... well- Not.

    She could see the images of Sienna's memories in her mind as Sienna communicated her longing to be running again. To be practicing her skills and to find a friend of hers who had seen her attacked and had run away while still in Hannah's body. Sienna knew that her friend would worry about her and probably think she was dead.

    Sienna's pain in this thought almost made Skylore give in. She knew where this friend lived because of Sienna's memories but she wasn't ready just yet.

    'Please stop doing that Si' She argued back. I promise, we'll find him eventually and we'll do what you want for a while. But right now I'm tired. We've run a long way and this is a lot to take in as it is.'

    She heard Sienna's annoyed sigh in her mind 'Of all people who had to find Hannah in that cave, it had to be a clumsy, shy farmgirl.' Sienna muttered.

    Skylore glared 'I didn't ask you to take over my head.' she pointed out, annoyed.

    It was so weird having someone else in her thoughts. Half the time she wasn't sure if she hated Sienna or if she was her. And every time she decided she would go home and try to make things right with her parents and try to start her life normally the way it was, Sienna would attack her mind with all kinds of memories of her life that would make her feel guilty and make her feel the same love for this city and the people she loved who where somewhere here that would cause her to reluctantly change her mind. It was like she was a horse and Sienna was using her own emotions agaisnt her as reins. She wasn't sure she appreciated that very much.

    She heared the soft sound of Sienna's laughter in her mind I'm not making you do anything you dont want to. Stop thinking about me like that.

    "Whatever." Sky snapped back, realizing she had said it outloud, she got a bunch of strange looks from the people who happened to her her randomly talk to herself.

    'look out!' Sienna suddenly barked.

    Sky felt it the same time that Sienna had. It was the presense of another being with inhuman DNA. She looked up to see the person in red using webs to swing himself from one building to the other. He was being persued on foot by some very annoyed looking weaponless policemen.

    Skylore quickly got out of the way as the policemen ran right past her, yelling at the other man as they ran. It wasn't a shadow, much to both Sky and Sienna's relief. But it wasn't a Symbiote either.

    'Spiderman.' Sienna explained, in one word. As if Sky was supposed to know who the heck that was.

    'Who?' She asked back, incrediously.

    'You're hopeless.' Sienna sighed, showing Sky a few memories of brief times when she had read about or seen Spiderman so that Sky would understand. 'Ive never met him but he's both famous and infamous around here. But he has nothing to do with the Shadows or the Symbiotes besides the similiarties in our DNA. He's an accident of genetics.

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