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Vox Topic Of The Week # 1 You Are Not Your Parents

Discussion in 'General' started by NeRo, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16pVXq7Lscg <<<< Watch First Please.
    Do you ever feel like your parents don't approve of you?
    Do you ever feel that your parents have a mold of what your life is supposed to be?
    Do you ever feel like the weight of society pushes you to do things that you don't want?
    Do you feel that the way modern society is constructed that it pushes you ever so closely to getting a type of education that you don't want just to have pre-requisites for a job you may not get?
    Well i'm here to tell you.
    You don't have to feel that way.
    You don't have to feel weighted down by your parents who think it's juvenile to play video games, go to anime conventions. No no they believe you should get a '" good job". So feeling this way you apply pressure to yourself to make your parents and others proud while all the while forgetting about what your happiness was all along.
    Do any of you have stories like this? if so please share.
  2. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Not really current events you know, lol. Better off in General or sumtin.

    I'll just share the same as I did on the other place.

    I've never, I mean NEVER lived up to my parents expectations. Especially my pops. I've always been a rascal and brought only trouble and police to our doorstep when I was younger. I've never really been good at the things he has like fixing cars and electronics and I've never managed to get even one job which he has always tried to push on me. The fuck can I do that I can't get one lousy job in this country other than in telemarketing which I'll never do?

    For the last year or so I haven't really given a fuck about what my parents think about me and my current situation in life. I only graduated last year because I didn't want to be a disappointment to them by dropping out but well, after a year of unemployment and seeing the grey side of the world it matters only little what they think. I live my own closeted life and I sure know they're disappointed as hell because I've never been succesful at anything I've done.

    But to sidetrack a little, I definitely SHOULD had listened and done as they adviced for the last ten years of my life. I would be employed, heck, would maybe own a corporation or something. Instead I've got a shitload of bills and I owe money.

  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I feel like my parents approve of most of my lifestyle choices. Sure, they're pressuring me to become a doctor since I'm doing well in University, but realistically, medical school is competitive so I don't know if that's going to go through. I wouldn't mind pursuing a Masters Degree in biochemistry and moving in the direction of research; however, I am going to give an honest effort to get into med school. MCAT next summer. Joy.

    My mom thinks some of my hobbies aren't the best though. She thinks I get a little too into my video games and finds it strange that I watch anime in the evenings. In fact, I'm apart of the anime club at my Uni.

    I really don't know what she's looking for. I either walk or run every night and I shower on a regular basis. Shouldn't that free me of the "that's so unlady-like" talks ? Why don't I wear dresses more often ? Why don't I wear makeup ? I'm too lazy. Sheesh >_>

    I thought I was pretty without the makeup.

    Aside from those little things, my mom and I get a long well. I watch tv and movies with her. Basically, I'm pursuing a higher education like she wants, but I'm doing whatever I want to relieve stress. I've gotten to meet a lot of cool friends with the same interests as me and I have no regrets on that part.

    So, to sum things up, my parents and I have a decent relationship. Just some nagging here and there. That's all.

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