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War of Gods

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cameron, May 3, 2010.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member


    Year 2012. The year that the human kind fears so. Mayan calendar ends and more and more people are panicking that their lives are at end. It has become impossible to use airways and sea for travelling, as the weather thorns apart ships and planes. Hurricanes roam the land and earthquakes terrorize the cities everywhere.
    This is because of the Gods of the Greece and Egypt. The Gods of harmony and corruption have started a war between each other. As they are immortal, the conflict never ends and thus Earth suffers in every way. As the God of Sun, Ra, suffers, so does the sun lose its glow.

    After a long conflict, the greater Gods of both sides had a meeting that lasted for months, as the forces of harmony tried to negotiate a solution for peace. But after all the arguing between the Gods, Hades proposed his point of view. The Gods would stop their fighting immediately, and let the fate of their conflict to the hands of humans. Each God who would want to participate into this competition, would pick one human for their liking, and grant them powers which they have. Hades’ brother, Zeus proposed that the humans would have their clash in the lands of Naarthí (better known as Europe), where no man now roamed. The Gods agreed, but before making the deal to an end, Apate, the daughter of Nyx and the Goddess of deception, didn’t want the tables to be turned around on the forces of corruption. Thus, she proposed that each human that they pick, shall only have half of the God’s powers.

    After all Gods agreed, they started picking people for their liking. After the choice, the people would transferred to the empty wastelands of Europe, and the race should being.


    - Mind what you post, and keep the posts clean and long enough. There is no limit, but you all know what is spam and what is not.
    - Also, keep a nice grammar, thanks. It’s much more easier to get to the point which you are trying to express while you’re using a good grammar.
    - Even thought that the RP spins around Gods and their powers, THIS IS NOT A RP FOR GODMODDING OR POWERPLAYING.
    - The most important thing, have fun.
    - My word is the right one here. And as I’m having Reo helping me out, he is also to be listened.


    Name: (example: Nate Johnson)
    Height: (example: 5”11)
    Weight: (example: 160 lbs.)
    Gender: (example: Male)
    Force: (example: Harmony / Corruption)
    Birthplace: (example: Detroit)
    Current residence: (example: New York)
    Personal Treasure(s): (example: Friends, Family, etc.)
    Weapon(s): (example: Katana, Gun, Shield, etc.)
    God's Abilities: (example: Superhuman speed, strength, seduction, etc. CHECK OUT THE LIST)

    AS YOU TRY TO FILL THE POWER OF YOUR CHARACTER – check these links, they have the descriptions of Gods. Don’t make your own Gods, but if you don’t like any of the powers that are in the lists, PM me about a God and powers which you would want to make.

    GREEK GODS: List of Greek mythological figures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    EGYPT GODS: Egyptian pantheon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The start post will most likely be edited.

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