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Was It Worth It?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Sep 25, 2008.

Were My Actions Worth The Consequences?

  1. Yes, It Was Definitly Worth It

    9 vote(s)
  2. No, It Was A Total Watse Of Your Time

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Unless if your one of my friends, this thread is totally irrelevant to you.

    Today during school, some boy(whose name I don't know)punched me. This boy, from what I've gathered, he's a bully(whose a rich senior). Now, this school I go to is an all boy's school. So naturally in an all male environment, I reacted in an angry fashion. I asked him, why did you hit me. He only responded with that's why your chopstick girlfriend is dead. I, exploded with anger.

    I actually broke the boy's nose, left knee, and right arm. all of these bones were broken with my bare hands. A prefect on-duty saw this incident and reported me to the SAO (Student Affairs Office). The young man was sent to a hospital.

    As I sat in front of the dean, he told me I would be suspended for a week, with homework in between. He was very light on the subject because 1. He knew of what had happened to my girlfriend, and 2.This school(which I've failed to tell most of my friends) is boarding school. As of now I am in my dorm room never to go to the main building until the two week sentence is over.

    Now, most of you(my friends) know me as a naturally cheerful boy. Yet I react in such a way, that I break the boy's bones. Now, I need advice, was it worth my time?
    Beloved likes this.
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Absolutely! This guy insulted your dead girlfriend, you totally right to kick his ass! I would of been more upset if you didn't do anything!
  3. Thank you very much. After the incident, his friends confronted me. All they said was thanks for putting him in his place, and they walked off. I was actually suprised, I was about to brace myself for an unfair fight.
  4. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    hey, I don't know you very well, but all I can say is that I would have done the same thing in your place
  5. Thank you
    *I have to go back to my studies farewell*
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You did the right thing. Heck, I might not have stopped where you did.
  7. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I would have done the same thing though. Like breaking those bones, that must have hurt. I don't think it was worth it. Breaking his nose was ok, but breaking bones.. i think it was too much.

    I would go only for breaking his nose. More like teaching him that don't mess with ya.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  8. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    That's right! I would do the same.
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I dont think it was worth it.. It just shows a weakness in character.

    I agree with defending your dead girlfriend, but it was taken to far.
  10. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hmmm...I'm impressed.......
  11. Yes but, let throw this at you Sao, you've never been pushed so far have you?
  12. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Although I do beleive you should have stuck up for your dead girlfreind breaking bones is taking it too far.Howeve I can understand that it was anger that drove you not the intention to break those bones.
  13. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    if i were u i would do the same thing with the nose
    but about the bones i cant do that (i'm 2 weak for that) ^^'
  14. Well, pretty much all of you have the same opinion about the bones....
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Heck, if I was strong enough, I might have broken a rib.
  16. I was actually considering it but he was in alot more pain.
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I dont like the way you said ive never been pushed before. Its kinda annoying how you assume that if i was in a position similar i wouldve reacted brashly aswell.

    Yes i have been pushed to limit. But ive never had the ordacity to cause pain to another person in that way
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I would have to agree with Sao. That was too far, and like you say, he was a senior, so it awe me that a 14 year old would have taken a senior so easily. Have superpowers do you? I am not saying that your story is false or anything, but I know how senior would act.

    Most senior in high school, I assuming you go to High school, correct? Most seniors travel in pacts. Like back when I was a senior, we always walk the halls together, eat together and go to class together, so it awe me that even though he was a bully, he hasn't have any friends to back him up. (So you go and get 'em.)

    If I was the senior and was place in that situation, I would have call my friends and surround you and you know what happen. That is how high school students work. They have a network and if you are not in it, then too bad.

    What you did was too far. Breaking bones is not an easy task. Our bones are not brittle as it use to be in our younger years nor our elder years. So you must be a strong person to actually break some one bones, kudos to you.

    I would have been the bigger person and walk away. You know that they can press charges on you. Fighting and breaking bones are two different things. Breaking bones require medical attention, medicine, and care at a highly cost. So, you better come up with a good defense story.
  19. Mike

    Mike Member

    @Yukou: His defense is simply this:

    We have two cases, either Sephiroth_X_Slasher is lying or telling the truth. These are mutually exclusive cases which cover all our bases, so let's observe the cases:

    Case 1: He's telling the truth. Well then, clearly he needs some sympathy, and understanding. I don't think I need to say much more.

    Case 2: He's lying. Well, what would his reasons for lying be? Perhaps for attention, perhaps boredom...whichever it is, he has a valid reason. Misguided perhaps...but this too deserves sympathy and understanding.

    So that's how I view this (and all online stories that I can't experience first hand). I must admit, I am a bit skeptical myself...age 14 is quite young, and to have experienced so much would be quite a rarity...but there's nothing else to do but assume he's telling the truth and feel sorry for him. I'm bound by my own logic to do so. It's one of those "What Would Jesus Do" scenarios (note: WWJD is not actually a religious slogan): It's not in my (or your) power to judge the scenario adequately...so we should refrain from passing judgement on him.

    Besides, it's not like giving too much sympathy in this life is a bad thing. He's not asking for money or anything that will subtract from my quality of life; he's not conning us. So why not give him the benefit of the doubt?


    @Sephiroth_X_Slasher: I wouldn't imagine what I would have done in your shoes...but in hindsight, it seems to have been the poor choice in my opinion.

    You should ask yourself: if your girlfriend was up there somewhere, smiling down upon you, is that what she would want? What sort of legacy are you developing for the young woman you loved?

    Try not to be so easily swayed by a racial slur...telling a distasteful joke like that is in itself, its own insult (to the senior). (Besides, you could have gotten him in some serious trouble if you held back. There are issues with privacy and such that schools are bound by)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
  20. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Mike is defently right. THe way you hit the boy was really not nessesary.
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