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Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Derek, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Gonna edit this thread. Welcome to the webtoons thread!

    Anyone else read comics on the site? :D
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    The art in Lessa 2 was gorgeous this chapter.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I guess no one reads this site? ;w;
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Welp, Gepetto legit surprised me with that twist. o-o
  5. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I wish more gave some webtoons a try. ;-;
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    What differentiates webtoons from web comics or even reading manga online?
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Webtoons is a free legal site, the comics on it can be from anywhere but most are Korean in nature and you can find anything from simple comedy comics to shounen-like series. Usually always in fully colored digital form.

    Noblesse and Tower of God are gorgeous large worlds with battle manga-like set ups.
    Gepetto has an amazing story and good art.
    Lessa has art that is almost breath taking with an interesting premise.
    Kubera is a story of tragedy.

    I could go on with recommendations.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, so basically Manwha. I've read a couple of them but never continued through for one reason or another.
  9. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Kinda but not every comic on the site is Korean in origin. Unlike traditional Manwha, which is black&white like manga, most comics I've found on Webtoons are fully colored.

    Hmmm maybe digital manwha? Either way lots of good stories are on there. They are slow to build up however. Granted a slow build is the best kind to me.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've only ever seen the colored webtoons. I assumed all manwha was like that. I guess the manga sites I go on don't really put up classic manwha.
  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Nah. Manwha is more like manga. The Breaker is a good example. Of course, it's always possible the color is a new shift and they are mostly like that now. Ever since I went to webtoons I haven't really touched other more viral/free sites.

    Either way the manwha category has lots of good stuff. :D
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  12. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Small bump for anyone interested, the art for Keol is jaw dropping. ;-;
  13. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Started a new webtoon a while back known as Athena Complex. Art is damn gorgeous as times.
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Girls of the Wild is probably the only manhwa I've read.
  15. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    And that was a great one!!!! :D You should try some others. Lessa has great art for example.
  16. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Athena is growing on me as a series.
  17. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    A bit disappoint with the latest Noblesse.

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