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What Disney Movie Would You Like To Be A World In Kingdom Hearts III The Most?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Elfdemon, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    I have created a poll for "What Disney Movie Would You Like To Be A World In Kingdom Hearts III The Most?" and have been sharing it around the internet. There are many polls about this, but most of them are generally small polls that don't quite accurately show what most people would like as worlds. Since this is the case, I have created this poll in hopes of it becoming the definitive and most universal and accurate poll for this question. So, please participate in this poll and share it around to as many people as you can. Thank you!

    Poll: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll771855x0b714d5E-31
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Are all of these even Disney movies? Some of them I've never heard of (Arjun: The Warrior Prince) while others I think are Dreamworks and not Disney (Home on the Range, Mars Needs Moms, etc) Also I don't think the Ghibli movies count as Disney movies since Disney only had a hand in localization of these movies and not the actual creation of them. Furthermore, some of the titles in the poll are either pointless (Ella Enchanted, for example, is simply a retelling of Cinderella) or would conflict with the point in the story KH3 is at (Hercules: Zero to Hero wouldn't really work since Hercules is already a hero and has logically gone through his original movie's plot before the events of KH1).

    I do appreciate that you gathered some of the lesser known titles. I do think there could be some opportunities for them in KH3, such as the Black Cauldron.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The list was too long and I didn't feel like going through it. I was just interested in the results.

    Zootopia is the likely choice since Zootopia has been incorporated in KHUX.
  4. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Yes, all of these are Disney movies. Arjun: The Warrior Prince is an Indian Disney movie. Home on the Range, Mars Needs Moms, etc are also Disney. Studio Ghibli movies are considered Disney movies according to the official Disney website and they have Studio Ghibli merch at Tokyo Disneyland. Ella Enchanted isn't even on this list, so I don't know where you got that from. This is Kingdom Hearts we're talking about, they could make any movie work. We have time travel now so that can easily explain going to worlds such as a Hercules: Zero to Hero world.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, the Ella Enchanted was my bad. I misread Enchanted.

    I don't think the Ghibli movies count, in spite of the official Disney website. I can very easily see any attempt at putting in a Ghibli themed world resulting in a situation similar to Tarzan. There's a reason why Deep Jungle was only in KH1 while every other world in the game has been included in at least one other game. Disney did not have the rights to include Tarzan and faced a lawsuit by the people who owned the rights. Now if Disney actually has the rights to use the Ghibli movies in Kingdom Hearts, then my argument goes out the window and it totally is an option.

    Time travel in Kingdom Hearts does not work in such a way that would make it easy to explain a world such as Hercules: Zero to Hero. While I really really disagree with them going the time travel route in Dream Drop Distance, remember that they made very specific rules for time travel. Here's the rules to KH time travel (Copied from a post on KH Insider):

    1) The present is constantly moving forward.
    2) The past contains the events that lead up to the present. The past is destined to always happen the way it originally played out.
    3) The future doesn’t exist. One cannot look into the future or know the future because it has yet to be established.
    4) In order to begin a time travel session you need to give up your body and be able to remain sentient as a heartless (or entity of the heart. Whatever).
    5) Those who were once heartless but have regained their human forms can also time travel.
    6) You may give up your ability to time travel and pass it on to another.
    7) You may only bring a single copy of a past self into the present.
    8) You may only travel to points in time where your past self is present.
    9) You may not travel before the point of your birth or beyond the present.
    10) You may interact with the past and the people within it, but upon the end of the time travel session all changes are reset. Because of this, the past cannot be manipulated or changed permanently.
    11) You may bring people from the past to the present in order to manipulate the present. However, upon the end of the time travel session temporally displaced people will be sent back to the point they came from and have no recollection of what they did.

    The only reply in the thread did point out that rule 5 is not completely correct since regaining a human form means you're going back into the flow of time and cannot time travel on your own, and that rule 6 probably isn't an actual rule since Xehanort's Heartless didn't give up his time traveling powers and instead went back into the flow of time by possessing Riku.

    That does not really matter though since rule 8 means that Sora cannot go into Hercules' past because he was not physically there. The only way we could possibly have a world where we go into Hercules' past is if Hercules himself becomes a heartless and manages to remain sentient. While possible, it is highly unlikely that Hercules will become a heartless and it is even more unlikely that he will remain sentient given that only Xehanort (Technically, since Xehanort wasn't actually a heartless) and Sora (I think it is debatable if he actually remained sentient, or at the very least 100% sentient) have ever managed to remain sentient.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That's quite the list, and I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that I haven't actually seen a lot of the movies on there. However, of the ones that I'm most familiar with, I think some of my top picks would be:

    PotC: Dead Man's Chest. Although I wasn't particularly enthused by the PotC world in KHII, I still think giving the second film its place in the games would be suitable. There'd be a lot of story to go through, and hell, I'd even go so far as to say that they should make the world a two-part deal, where you have to revisit it to get the "At World's End" plot. Mostly, I just think it'd be a shame to not actually conclude the Davy Jones story arc, seeing as Dead Man's Chest does cliff hang into At World's End in the films. Perhaps the first visit concludes where the second movie ended, and then you have find and item out in the other worlds to complete the second visit. At least, that's how I'd do it. Although, I think that this might prove a deterrent to Dead Man's Chest's inclusion.

    Toy Story. Of all of the Pixar projects, Toy Story is probably the one that I'd be most interested in playing out. I feel that it would add a new aesthetic to the series' theme of having Sora and company changing outfits/forms to fit the world they're visiting. I mean, I don't know about anyone else, but I think it'd be unique and interesting to see Sora, Donald, Goofy, etc, re-imagined as toys. For some reason, I'd picture this one as being set up as a world within a world scenario, kind of like the Space Paranoids and 100 Acre Woods. Basically, Sora falling into a magical toy chest and into an entirely self contained world. But then, I also feel like it'd only be worth it if we could get all three Toy Story movies out of it.

    Aladdin and the King of Thieves. Mostly, this one is just for the sake of following suit with KH and KHII. Kingdom Hearts brought us its envisioning of the first Aladdin movie. Kingdom Hearts II covered Return of Jafar. I think it would only be natural to revisit Agrabah to fill in the final chapter of that movie Series.

    One movie on that list that I can say probably wouldn't make for a very compelling world though: A Goofy Movie. Don't get me wrong, I loved that movie. But I just don't think that it has the right stuff to make for a very good KH world; there's just not the right kind of action, IMO. That, and it somewhat interferes/conflicts with the establishment of Goofy's character within the games. However, I do think that Goofy's son, Max, is due for an appearance in the series in some capacity.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I honestly wanna go back to Tron, Hollow Bastion ver.
    Nova likes this.

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