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What do you do at home?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Khroma, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I'm surprised there's no thread about this D:
    or maybe it's just me.

    but anyway, I do the following at home:

    injure both knees a lot and end up staring at the laptop, martial arts, work on animal beads, do

    origami, do audio-edits, watch anime, read manga, study for a lot of tests, start my projects early

    for school, dance/choreography, play piano, flute, piccolo, viola, dizi, pipa, and erhu, wash dishes for my grandma, do the laundry for my grandma, help tend vegetables for my grandma, annoy my (older) brother a lot, do GFX/digital art, oil paint, loaf around on my bed, do kendo and kyudo, and play video games when I have the chance to~
  2. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    well when im at home i do schoolwork, listen to a BUNCH of random songs, watch random videos on youtube, surf the web if im bored, babysit, do chores and watch anime, japanese/korean dramas or tv.

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