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What do you think the name "Dream Drop Destiny" means?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Abstract, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Abstract

    Abstract New Member

    I haven't found this thread so away I post! =3

    Dream- I believe in part of the game Sora and Riku are stuck in some sort of "Dream Phase", for the Mark of Mastery exam. It kind explains why they are in their orginal clothes and fighting Xemnas and Xehnort's heartless. Because they are fighting whats in their past dreams, defeating their biggest enemies.
    Riku's biggest enemy throught kingdom hearts was, Xehanort's heartless,

    and Sora's biggest enemy was Xehanort in any form, Xemnas (nobody form) or Xehanort's heartless

    i think the dream part has something to do with them facing their biggest enemies in their dreams.

    Drop- I don't know what his means, maybe it has something to do with the mysterious "Drop Gauge"

    Distance- How far will they go for each other?
    what do you guys think?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    There are a couple of problems with your theory.
    Normura said he's thinking about changing their costumes throughout the story. Sora is seen in The Hunchback of Notre Dame's World which is not part of his memories. Personally I think Drop and Distance has to do with the gameplay.

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