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What do you want to see in KH 3?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Halinmonk, Nov 16, 2008.

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  1. Halinmonk

    Halinmonk New Member

    Simple Question what do want to see?

    I would like:

    More playable chars preferably: Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Roxas, and Namine.

    Customizable weapons, and more world themed ones (Not just Sora's keychains)

    Return of Maleficent and her arrangement of Disney Villains.

    New worlds, ideas include: The Valley (Bone) The OZ("Tin Man"), Midelten (Kim Possible), Kauaʻi (Lilo & Stitch), and The NYC (American Dragon Jake Long)
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    i just wat to see wheter or not it will end up being the second keyblade wars.there might even be a return of the Unbirth,which would be cool.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Oh all of that and more worlds.

    Capital City- Underdog
    Narnia- both Narnia movies probaly the lion whitch and the wardrobe sine it was first.
    Terabithia- Bridge to Terabithia
    Virginia- Pocahotas
    United Staes- National Tresure

    I also want it that we can go back to Destiny Island whenever we feel like it. Get to go to the main island and go in Sora's house.

    Also Doanald, Goofy and the other followers can get annoying sometimes to have it once you beat a world you can go around as just Sora and nobody else on the team.

    Many more keyblades

    What be really cool is if we could somehow customize our own keyblader, that way us girl can create a girl to play as and the boys who seem to complaint about Sora being girly can create their own chracter and name it to(from a list of names that way whichever is chosen the players in the game will say aloud.
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    It intriguies me that most of your likes are most of mine :p. Cuztomizeble weapons is a good alternative, new characters to use especially Roxas because in kh2 you don't use him as much T_T. And you only use him with his 2 keyblades, 1 time.

    Also, the clothing of each character.
  5. Halinmonk

    Halinmonk New Member

    Cuztomizeble cloths would be cool, but if i had a choice of just one thing to add i would make Namine and Roxas paybel.
  6. sayagirl520

    sayagirl520 New Member

    Oooh all of the above!!
    AND I think it'd be sooo cool if Kuzco(emperor's new school)could be in it-he is reeally funny!!!
  7. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    How about drawing on light or dark for your transformation forms. Each having strenghts and weaknesses.

    Also, seriously, more Final Fantasy characters in your party, and having them playable.
  8. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeah, more FF-characters (Vincent!) and having them playable! It would be cool. And I also agree the ideas above. -^^-
  9. worbs

    worbs New Member

    i think that there should be at least four characters from each of the final fantasy games and films and they should be playable like kyuu said
  10. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Well here is my list:

    FF Characters

    Lilo and stitch
    Toy Story
    Port Royal
    Monsters Inc
    A Bugs Life

    Playable Characters
    Riku's Scenario
    Sora's Scenario
    Kairi's Scenario
    Mickey's Scenario
    Some new creature made via Light
  11. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    actually,you know what FF caracter i want to see?gilgamesh!you have to admit,he would make a great boss,even if he has a comcical role like in FFV.or it could be like XII where he is optionanly.or like FFVI and VIII where he could be a summon.if that happened,you probably would have to fight him unlike the other KH summons
  12. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Gilgamesh would be a nice addition to Kingdom Hearts.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You know what would be cool. Atlantis, plus I think I already said Treasure Planet, that be cool though those 2.
  14. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    • New Enemies
    • New Worlds
    • New characters
    • New items
    • New keyblades
    I think that covers everything.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yes... Let Squall be in your party.

    And it should be multiplayer.

    And they should have Balthier from FF XII.

    And someone from an older game, like one of the 4 characters from FF III.

    And Zack from Crisis Core.

    And Rinoa.

    And just for the heck of it.... One of the new people from FF XIII.
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I think rinoa might be in the next one.i think leon got a letter from her at the end of KH2.i have to watch the ending again and look at something to not confirm,but rather support this.it would be awsome if leon or cloud or yuffie could be in your party.now if only auron was able to stay.
  17. Halinmonk

    Halinmonk New Member

    I agree with evreone but Rinoa, mostley because i am a LeonxYuffie shiper.
  18. Cloudtail4ever

    Cloudtail4ever New Member

    Hmmm....I say more FF characters! Like Nanaki!! He'd be AWESOME!!
    And Zack. I mean, if Aerith can come back to life in KH, than why not Zack too? And another Sephy fight, though I still can't beat him it's fun. Oh, and maybe not having Selphie be so dang annoying! Same with Tidus, and I hope Yuna, Rikku, and Paine appear NOT in little fairy type thing form.
    I don't know if they'd add Rinoa, it'd be cool though. I mean, wouldn't that provoke a SquallxRinoa deal in the game? I could see that creating a problem.

    As for worlds:
    Ditch Atlantica
    Pixar levels :D
    Lilo & Stitch would be cool, too!
    and if they keep Port Royal as a level, perhaps the actual actors for voices this time?
    Yeah, no Lion King level, I really hate the controls there :\
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    ^[Really I liked the lion king, they need to do lion king two this time. Plus if they do have atlantica have it where you can go in and out of water, and more action. You have to admit the voices were pretty close. They should add Davvy Jones, it would make it harder and more actions.]^

    They should add a bit more live action films, or maybe even a couple shows like oh I know, American Dragon, or other stuff.

    We should have a special mode where we can move around in the gumi ship, obvioulsy it's big because you see Sora and the gang only sitting where the glass is and it's huge.
  20. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I agree, Zack would be awesome. And Vincent, too. ^^
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