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What game are you most looking forward to.

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Moviebuff3000, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Moviebuff3000

    Moviebuff3000 New Member

    For me its Dead Island and Elder Scrolls 5
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    Ddead island, Fable 4, Dragon Age 3
  3. DaFreak

    DaFreak New Member

    Battlefield 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Diablo 3
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Diablo 3, Battlefield 3...and....

  5. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    kingdom hearts 3 and gears of war 3
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Arkham City, Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3, and Dead Island
  7. Chroma

    Chroma New Member

    Final Fantasy Versus 13 & Gears of War 3. ; A ;
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I'm pretty sure i'm going to go broke in the month of November. First week- Uncharted 3. Second week-Modern Warfare 3. Third week- Elder Scrolls. Thank god ill have some extra cash for my birthday. I am also looking forward to Dead Island and getting a 3DS. THANK YOU PRICE CUTS!!!
  9. KeybladerQueen

    KeybladerQueen New Member

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising and LA Noire on the PC. :)

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