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What Game do you think is underrated?

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Denki Wolf, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    We all have those games that we all love, but we never see anyone else playing it or it got a low rating.
    So you wonder, why did it get so much hate?
    Well, why don't you say your's here?

    I'll start.
    I live in a area, granted, that doesn't have many video gamers to begin with, but, whether it be online or else where, I never hear anyone talk about Avalon Code.
    The game is fantastic, and it even got an 8 average.
    The game is about a boy/girl who gets a book called the book of prophecy.
    This book has the ability to copy, and change the structure of anything copied into the book.
    It can even give the chosen the ability to pull out any weapon of any weight or size with ease.
    The book is ultimately used to copy all the thinks in the first world, (Which is about to blow) and use the copied info to recreate a new world.
    Now granted, they pay more attention to the special qualities and how to use them, and forgot how to do some other important stuff.
    Over all it's a great game!

    Another would be Master of the monster lair.
    This is an odd one.
    It got a 6 average from Ign.
    The game is about a boy who gains a magic shovel so that he can dig and make dungeons.
    Your whole goal is to make an awesome Dungeon so that tourists will come to your small town.
    It sounds odd, but it is a very, very fun game.
    The story is interesting, the controls are simple, and the fighting is traditional rpg with upgraded graphics.
    Over all a great game.

    Either one of these I would suggest finding and trying.
    (Both are for Ds)
    There both really fun.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  2. shadow-of-light

    shadow-of-light New Member

    okami kicked ass and no one played it

    it really deserved much more and I wish ppl had bought it.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Xenosaga..
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i know, but then it got re-released for the Wii and suddenly it got popular.
    hypocrits! true fans played it when it first came out for the PS2!

    um... i'd say the Armored Core series. yeah it has tons of games, but their sales are always sub-standard. in fact the only reason they keep making them is because the company has money to spare and they get good reviews. it's an awesome mech fighter series, the latest is Armored Core; For Answer for thePS3 and 360. if you like mech fighters i suggest you buy it.

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