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What Household Chore Are You?

Discussion in 'Quizzes' started by Kitty, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    You Are Cleaning the Toilet

    You are tough, determined, and strong willed. You are willing to take on any task, no matter how unsavory.
    You have nerves and a stomach of steel. It's hard to gross you out, and it's hard to get under your skin.

    You have what it takes to go far in life. When other people give up, you're still gaining momentum.
    You are willing to put in the hard work to achieve the best results. You aren't afraid of getting right in the mix.
  2. Bulbie

    Bulbie New Member

    You Are Dusting
    You are meticulous, focused, and extremely detail oriented. It's likely that you have the cleanest home of anyone you know.
    You notice all the little things that people seem to overlook. And it's not unusual for a tiny detail that's out of place to get under your skin.

    Your perfectionism has no bounds, and in most cases, it's an asset. The world needs more people who can dot every "i" and cross every "t".
    You're the type of person who appreciates a job well done. You believe that effort counts for a lot.

    Mostly yes. Except for the part "It's likely that you have the cleanest home of anyone you know."
    Hahahahaa~! No...
    Actually, my dad tends to say: "She rarely does anything but when she does, she does it darn well."
    One could say this is true if you added extreme lazyness to it. xD
  3. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    You Are Vacuuming
    You are responsible, hard working, and even a bit picky. You believe that it's important to always do the right thing.
    So it totally makes sense that you care both about the dirt you can see and the dirt you can see. Vacuuming allows you to to a thorough job.

    You're the type of person who keeps tinkering with your work when everyone else is done. You hold yourself to high standards.
    What others think of you doesn't matter much. What you think of yourself, however, is extremely important.
  4. lyndsie

    lyndsie New Member

    You Are Making the Bed
    You are neat, chic, and stylish. You have a real eye for design and beauty.
    You love chores like rearranging furniture, tidying up, and making the bed. You feel better it when things look better.

    You're a natural interior designer, and you're always redecorating some part of your house. You like everything to look smart and modern.
    When you're in creative mode, even the most boring of chores seem exciting to you. You're just a natural artist.
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    You Are Cleaning the Toilet
    You are tough, determined, and strong willed. You are willing to take on any task, no matter how unsavory.
    You have nerves and a stomach of steel. It's hard to gross you out, and it's hard to get under your skin.

    You have what it takes to go far in life. When other people give up, you're still gaining momentum.
    You are willing to put in the hard work to achieve the best results. You aren't afraid of getting right in the mix.

    Ah crap... Ha! Crap...

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