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What I [possibly "we"] Want in KH3 (A detailed "Article")

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Remedy, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Kingdom Hearts 3 has been long awaited, and highly anticipated. In recent months, the announcement of the game came, and the Kingdom Hearts fan base was ecstatic. It has been nearly a decade since the release of Kingdom Hearts 2. Square Enix has left us pondering the contents of Mickey's letter for quite some time. And between 2015-2016 we should get to find out! Now after such a long wait, understandably the consumer's expectations are high. So what I am I expecting (and hoping for)? Let's find out.

    Worlds Balance

    Now I'm going to start with the less important stuff and work my way up, so don't let this petty insignificant point upset you. Yes it is a given that there will be new worlds, but its still something we want. It would also be nice to possibly take out a few worlds that are starting to get repetitive, like Beast's Castle or Halloween Town.

    But it would also be nice to see some newer worlds revisited, like "Deep Space" or "Castle of Dreams."

    But perhaps most important to me, is the expansion and exploration of the worlds that are only from the Kingdom Hearts Universe. How much fun would it be to get a better more thorough look at the Destiny Islands or Perhaps Twilight Town? Maybe even more time in Hollow Bastion? See further into the secrets of the sky scrapers in The World That Never Was? I think this would make for a great addition to the game, and maybe even some new original KH worlds would be fantastic! With the Addition of Birth By Sleep to the franchise, Square Enix made the Lore of the KH world much more intriguing, and I would love a further look into it.

    Character Development[​IMG]

    Let me just start by saying, how much do we really know about Kairi? I mean she's supposed to be a main character, but yet as a player I feel so disconnected from her story. How did she get a Keyblade? Etc. Etc. Now Square has done a pretty darn good job so far, but I feel like there are still areas where it can be improved, and areas where they need to maintain their former diligence.

    I would love to see Square Enix keep old characters, while introducing well developed and well rounded new characters. This would add some excitement, and a rejuvenated feeling to the franchise.

    Also going under this category, the Square Enix team really needs to find appropriate voice actors. It would be terrible after 10 years, to come back and have the characters sound entirely different, but I have faith Square will handle this nicely.

    Loosely Tied: People have loved the games where Square Enix has let us play as more than one character (BBS and KH3D). I feel that trend should continue, even if not so in a large way. [End Game unlock of playing as Riku, Kairi, Goofy, Donald, Mickey would be very neat.]

    The early Kingdom Hearts didn't allow for the most customization options, making the gameplay a little less fun. But with recent titles Square Enix's Customization options for your style of combat have continued to get better. I hope that continues, but not just in combat, but all aspects of the game.

    I really hope to see a complex, and well balanced skill system of some kind, with ways to pick the style you want to play. Fast and furious? They have a way to attain that. Powerful yet reserved? Yup got a path for that too.

    But I would also like to see some aesthetic customizables too. Can we change what Soar wears? Can we change what our party members wear? I'm sure there are endless others you yourself could think of, but I won't get into it. You get the point. The more personally tailored the game feels, the better.

    Long Game, Replay Value

    There is nothing I hate more than getting all hyped for a video game and then beating it in 3 days. It's the worst. It always feels like a waste of 60$. KH usually provides a long gameplay experience, but I would like to see it be longer, and to have some free-roaming or extended gameplay once you finish the main story. In the past KH games have generally disappointed in the end-game aspect, leaving you almost nothing to do, and having little replay value.

    Matured Story

    As we grew up, KH grew up with us. The characters aging with us, and the story getting increasingly complex... with us.
    I'd like to see this trend continue. The first game came out in 2002, so the KH3 title will more than likely appeal to an older audience. An audience that wants the continue playing the series, and almost no newcomers to the series. The target age for this game is probably between 12-30. So I think the story should get a little "older" if you know what I mean. It's really hard to put into words, but I think you may be understanding what I'm saying. We want to see more maturity in the characters, and to see that they too, have aged with time.

    Lastly, Maintain the Kingdom Hearts Feel

    This one should be no problem for the talented crew at Square Enix. The most important point is, keep the game feeling like Kingdom Hearts. Ultimately we want to see a lot of new things, and improved things, but we don't want to see a new game entirely. We are going to want a little bit of nostalgia while we play, taking us back to the time when we lay sprawled out in our room playing the game into all hours of the night. We want it to have the same familiar characteristics that the previous game had, whilst improving.

    OKAY. That was long winded. Thanks for reading. This took a little while to think about (all day at work today) and around 20 mins to type up! So please leave feedback and conversation!
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
  2. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Maintaining the feel is one thing, but each game brings new themes of the heart to the table, so each installment feels completely different from one another.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    It would be nice to do what they did in BBS. I do not believe we will be playing as Donald or Goofy. More like playing as Lea. Now that would be sweet! As for the worlds, one like Castle of Dreams... I'm not sure if they will bring it back unless they base the worlds off of the sequels.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    To comment on this, I think if they're sticking to their guns and bringing in at least the core of their casts from their previous games, they'll achieve this. If I'm correct, Haley Joel Osment has been Sora's English V.A. steadily since the first game; I personally think that it'd make the most sense to bring back as many performers from before as possible to maintain that feeling of familiarity; this goes for any translation. I daresay, most of their voices probably haven't changed all too drastically over the last decade.
  5. Mike

    Mike Member

    They have ways/the technology to make VAs sound younger... I don't know how they'll handle it exactly, but they have plenty of options and I hope they'll choose something suitable.

    It'd be jarring to have Sora sound like he's 30, but it'd be equally jarring to have Sora sound like someone completely different.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    A good voice actor can also manipulate their own voice just right to get the right sound for a character.
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

    Yeah, that's one of the aforementioned several options. However I think sticking to the same VA and digitally altering it is an option not as many considered which is why I explicitly stated it.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't think the voices are going to sound so different that all of that will be necessary. We already weathered through Haley Joel Osment's voice changing between KH and KH II, if I am not mistaken, and besides, if I can suspend disbelief enough to believe that a thirty year old is playing a teenager on tv, I can believe a thirty year old has the voice of a teenager in a game. It would throw me off more if the voice actors were recast at this late stage, since David Gallagher and Haley Joel Osment have done every game, I think, and Hayden Panettiere has only missed one or two of the smaller side titles. The only characters that should be recast are those whose actors cannot be present due to death or who just refuse to return for whatever reason, and given that the series has been very good thus far about retaining voice actors, I don't expect that to be too many.

    I agree. I would also enjoy having party members besides Donald and Goofy who can be used in more than one world. I don't know what the last event in the timeline is since I'm so far behind in story (am I right in thinking that KH III will be taking up with Sora, Riku, and Kairi on Destiny Islands pondering over Mickey's note that they received at the end of KH II, or was that dealt with already?), but if those three are together, it would make sense for them to at least start out as the battle party, with Sora meeting up with Donald and Goofy at some later time (because as annoying as they can be, it wouldn't be a KH game without 'em), and maybe being able to mix and match the group. Especially if they are going to try and push Kairi as an actual useful character. *shrugs*

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