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what is going on?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Keyblade master 2000, Jul 23, 2008.

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  1. what is going on and why are the admins of the site closing all the AR max code threads?! some of us need AR max codes and closing the threads isn't helping!:mad:
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    The thread's not closed, what are you talk about?
  3. srry i didnt know there was a coding section of the forum, sorry i thought it was in the general section and all the ar max threads in the general section were closed by Toph
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Why did Toph close them all?
  5. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Probably because people kept spamming them up. But it's open now and there's alot more codes so everyone's happy.
  6. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    I'll tell you why she closed them. The old staff didn’t like the popularity of the original AR MAX thread. They didn’t like the idea that the thread was the most popular one with the most posts. In order to solve their little 'dilemma' they started in easy by giving us infractions for newbies who would accidentally double post, foul language when it wasn’t used (I received two for that reason and when I went to look and see when I said it the post was deleted, go figure), and congratulated someone for a new code that they made/found or birthdays. After that they threatened to close the thread and eventually when ishotansem needed help with modding so he can perform a certain code this happened:

    That just flared me up and we left here and went back to our coding site that Demi Shock had recently made at the time, but thanks to TradeDemon he saw what had happened and re-opened the thread and even made a section dedicated for coding which is probably one of the coolest things that had happened to us with this site! Thanks again TradeDemon. Anyway, every thing is back to normal and me as well as some of the other coders don’t like to talk about what had happened here. Everything is ok and the new team is very kingd to us. So its safe to say that all is well lol! :D
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  7. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    But please don't spam it. We are a good community and we are here because we all share the same interest, which is Kingdom Hearts. Personally I like codes, but what Al said is half true, some people are like advertising their sites here. I do not care if this is the most codes that attract people to the site, well that is a good idea and I support that, but please keep it clean and fun!

    Thanks! And Now Have A Wonderful Day! Double Posters Be Warn! ^_~.
  8. DoorToLight

    DoorToLight New Member

    Sorry, I didnt think that I was spamming, I thought I was just answering his qustion and I know that this is a good community. Mabe Al was right on some points but not all. Anyway, sorry if I caused trouble.;)
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    That is not what I mean. Like keep off topics in that thread off topics. That's all. Other than that have fun coding!
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    I'd just like to add in defense of the old mods you mentioned DoorToLight, that I don't think it was quite as targetted as that...Your thread was very successful, I remember seeing it back in its prime (And coding is pretty fun too).

    The only reason the old mods took action was because they felt the participants were advertising too frequently, and going too far off topic in some aspects. They may be right, or they may have overreacted a bit. It doesn't matter which one I think it is...I just don't think that you were 'targetted' because of the thread's popularity. I mean, I would think anything that attracts people is a positive thing, and I'm pretty sure those people involved would agree with me.

    If I may make a suggestion, it's simply to be more organized...try to keep your code threads professional, and they'll be treated as such :) They've implemented several other forums to discuss birthdays, or have other kinds of chat, and if you mix them together it may look a little sloppy, and a mod is more likely to consider it as a negative thing.

    As for coding myself, I've mostly done some stuff on the GameGenie for NES/SNES/Sega Genesis (which are very limited), and Game Shark for PSX, as well as some Hex Editions for emulated games. I've never done Action Relay since I've never had one :\
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