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What is the Preview at the End of the Game of?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by TheNewSeeker, May 27, 2009.

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  1. TheNewSeeker

    TheNewSeeker New Member

    You know the one with all the Keyblades on it when is that game coming out?
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    That was the preview for Birth By Sleep. A game coming up for the PSP. It shows the story of Kingdom Hearts 10 years before Sora received the Keyblade.

    I'm thinking that it will come out sometime mid or late next year (for people in Australia) so perhaps end of this year or early next year for Japan. Perhaps even mid next year for them. I haven't heard much about it but maybe someone on this site can fill that in for us.
    It goes something like...
    Japan getting it first, US getting it about 3 months after, Europe getting it a bit after the US and Australia getting it 6 months or more after Japan gets it.
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