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What order did YOU play in?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Terra, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    I started as Ven, then Aqua, then finally Terra. I must say Terra was my favorite to play with, then Aqua then Ven. (Reverse order haha)
  2. Raven

    Raven New Member

    I played Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. I t was pretty much organized from favorite to least favorite.
  3. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    Terra,Ventus and Aqua. The order which one of the developers advised to play
  4. Tryz

    Tryz New Member

    I chose to follow Terra, Ven, then Aqua.
    for the simple reason being, that is the order in which they are listed on the menu, i saw no reason to go with one over the other :)

    Terra has the best storyline in my opinion.
    Followed by Aqua's, then little Ventus.
  5. iAqua

    iAqua New Member

    I went from Aqua, Ventus, then Terra.

    Well, I'm a girl, so I guess I was kind of biased in my choice... But I did like the idea of being more reliant on magic as well as physical attacks, and Aqua seemed like the best combination of both. Well, she did have the little bit of speed to make the battles quicker too, so she became my immediate first choice.

    Then, I went with Ventus, because... Terra, though powerful, was a rather slow attacker...
    Or so I realized during that first duel the three friends had.
    And I didn't like slow attackers... >.>
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I played as Ven, Aqua, then Terra last, I didn't use battle strategy when picking out my order, I went by the story. I figured Ven's would make a good beginner story, then Aqua would provide a good middle, and then Terra would give me a climactic ending of the story and I was right, I felt in that order the storyline flowed nicely
  7. Raven

    Raven New Member

    And you'd be right with that thought. Ven does sort of act as a great beginner character with a strong finish, Aqua, a good middle story who highlights Ventus' and Terra's stories and makes you curious of Terra's motives, and Terra shows a somewhat darker story on the stories you know already, and ends it very nicely, so that you can understand the final episode.

    Run-on sentence.... XD
  8. SirDanielot

    SirDanielot New Member

    Aqua, Terra then Ventus.

    All on critical mode (Y)

    Terra is the worst of the three =="
  9. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Ventus, then Aqua, then Terra. And I enjoyed Ven's story the most. It was kind of a coming-of-age story. As well as gameplay-wise, since I LOVED Ven's speed.
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I played as Ven, Terra and then Aqua. As for me, I enjoyed Ven's story the most because the control scheme felt better for me and also he's a cool character.
  11. zman67

    zman67 New Member

    same here.
  12. fratre

    fratre New Member

    Someone suggested to play Aqua-Ven-Terra for the revelations to come out in Terra's story. Though with this sequence, you will be left hanging on what's going around.
  13. Killian

    Killian New Member

    I played as Ventus, then Aqua, then Terra.

    I personally loved them in that order. Probably because Terra is so slow. D: And Ventus... he was so sweet. D: And I attached to Aqua on a very personal level due to her circumstances and actions.

    I loved Ventus. x3 I loved Roxas, too, it helped. xDDDD But then I could tell the difference between them and Ventus is so... So... x3 I want to mother him so badly. And Terra, I liked him, I felt so bad for him, but he's not the easiest for me to fight. xDDD
  14. Flowerr

    Flowerr New Member

    I played Ven, Aqua, then Terra. I probably liked to play Ven's the best. :p
  15. Oathkeeper

    Oathkeeper New Member

    I played first with Ventus, then next on the list would of been Terra, then finally Aqua, continuing then with Final Episode. Ven was my favorite to play as. :p
  16. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    I played Aqua , Terra, And ventus.
    i knew about the order but i decided to do least to most favorite (in my opinion).
  17. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    The order I played in was: Terra, Ventus, Aqua to just go by the story.
    I personally enjoyed Ventus' story more than the other two, although Aqua's story had me close to tears, but Ventus was fun to watch and his commands were fast and easy. I also loved his cutscenes and just wanted to grab him out of my PSP screen and hug him all night long sometimes c;
  18. Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Final Episode
  19. Oblivious

    Oblivious New Member

    I played Terra, then Ventus, and now I'm playing with Aqua :]
    So far Ven has been my favorite one to play with.. He's so cute ^^
  20. Yuna

    Yuna New Member

    Terra,Ven then Aqua. But i keep on Playing Terra's story mode the most, cause...he awesome and sexy...:p

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