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What Phobia Are You?

Discussion in 'Quizzes' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Blogthings - What Phobia Are You?

    You Are Claustrophobia

    You are the fear of enclosed places.
    You demand a lot of freedom in your life. It freaks you out to have too many restrictions or limits.

    You don't really seek out responsibilities or commitments. You like to keep your life spontaneous.
    It's easy for you to feel smothered. A lot of relationships and situations make you feel claustrophobic.
  2. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    You Are Claustrophobia
    You are the fear of enclosed places.
    You demand a lot of freedom in your life. It freaks you out to have too many restrictions or limits.

    You don't really seek out responsibilities or commitments. You like to keep your life spontaneous.
    It's easy for you to feel smothered. A lot of relationships and situations make you feel claustrophobic.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    You Are Acrophobia

    You are the fear of heights.
    It's likely that you expect bad things to happen to you. You often feel unlucky.

    It would be just your luck to fall from a high spot... and you're not going to chance it.
    You tend to be pretty risk adverse. You rather be safe than sorry.
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    You Are Mysophobia
    You are the fear of germs or dirt.
    It's easily for you to get grossed out or freaked out. You especially can't stand other people's messes.

    You are a bit of an obsessive compulsive type. It bothers you to see things out of order.
    You only feel comfortable when you are in charge. You admit that you are a control freak.

    sad cause in real life i have Acrophobia and Arachnopobia(fear of spiders)
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    You Are Necrophobia
    You are the fear of death.
    You are type of person who doesn't fear much... even if you are scared of dying.

    Unlike most people, you truly understand that you will die one day. Even if it terrifies you!
    You try to face your fears and live in the moment. As long as you don't die, you'll be okay.
  6. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    You Are Mysophobia
    You are the fear of germs or dirt.
    It's easily for you to get grossed out or freaked out. You especially can't stand other people's messes.

    You are a bit of an obsessive compulsive type. It bothers you to see things out of order.
    You only feel comfortable when you are in charge. You admit that you are a control freak.

    Say what?!? That isn't me at all!! -.-
  7. Karin

    Karin New Member

    You Are Acrophobia
    You are the fear of heights.
    It's likely that you expect bad things to happen to you. You often feel unlucky.

    It would be just your luck to fall from a high spot... and you're not going to chance it.
    You tend to be pretty risk adverse. You rather be safe than sorry.

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