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What was the most weirdest thing that happened to you?

Discussion in 'General' started by Oathkeeper, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Oathkeeper

    Oathkeeper New Member

    The most weirdest thing that happened to me was when I was hanging with my friends a few years back and this girl was stalking me, and when I saw her she just stared at me. When I tried to talk to her she screamed then ran away(o_O). Although that girl was known to be extremely weird, that freaked me out xD.
    Anyway, what about you? What was the most weirdest thing that happened to you?
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    ^That girl sounds pretty hot.

    The weirdest moment that I have ever experienced is when I was in the dance studios minding my own business and this random chick came up and hugged me. Who on earth was she and why did she touch me? I don't like being touched by random strangers, it gives me chills and freaks me out. Good thing I'm not a germ-o-phobe.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    wanna know what the wierdest moment in my life was?today in gym.my teacher asked us to hook arms together and play tag...WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  4. Espion

    Espion New Member

    One weird thing that happened to me recently, was that I was walking with some friends at some festival and a group of girls walked past us, slapped my ass, and snapped a picture as they walked away!
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    It's not the weirdest thing to ever happen to me, but the other day at work, I was looking out the kitchen window and saw a guy all wrapped up in winter clothing standing over the fence around our playground, staring at the building through a set of binoculars. We thought he was like the Unabomber or something, it creeped everyone out. Turns out, when we confronted the guy, that he was with the electric company trying to read our meter, but he couldn't get in to it because our gate was locked. But anyway, it was still pretty weird.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Weirdest thing I can remember happening to me was around Christmas time (like a few days before Christmas). I was at the mall with a friend of mine, and we figured we might as well stop at the food court for some chow. I got myself some Chinese, and he went over to the Japanese whatever it was called. While I was waiting for him to get to the table I picked out for us, I had an awkward encounter. Apparently out of the some hundred people in the food court, some people chose to ask me for some money. The both of them claimed to be "poor" but I was, quite honestly, not convinced of that. They seemed a bit grungy, yeah, but most likely by the choice of looking that way.

    I literally spent five minutes thinking about what to do, with the both of them hovering over me waiting for my answer, periodically making comments of how poor they were... In the end, I didn't go for it. I'd have to say that it was probably the most out of the blue, on the spot sort of moment that I've ever had.
  7. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    Hmm, I think what is weird is how my boyfriend and I started to date. He tried to meet me a few times and get to know me before I met his friend but I kept having something come up at the last second. I'm 19 and he is 21, but anyway I was dating his friend during the summer and my boyfriend now didn't know me that well during the summer, but he had a crush on me and I didn't pay much attention to him because I really liked his friend. Anyway, something was telling me everyday that his friend wasn't the person I should be dating at the time. There was nothing wrong with our relationship, just something was telling me "no" everyday. Well, my boyfriend now hung out with us one night at a party and I noticed he was laying on the couch and trying to block everybody out. Something told me to go talk to him and I did. It was awkward at first I know this sounds really stupid and it makes me think of how hilarious it is now, but there were several drunk people at the party and I was leaning over the couch and talking to him because he looked bored. I didn't want to sit by him because my boyfriend was his friend at the time and I don't like making people mad especially the people I date, anyway some stupid guy who is my friend picked up my friend Halley and was swinging her around and they were both drunk and Haley's boot hit my back and I fell over unto my now boyfriend and it wasn't all smooth like a manga cutscene. My face smacked into his knee or knee cap and I had a bruise on my back, but I kinda laid there for a second and I could feel my face burning red from being mad at that drunk guy and I didn't want everyone to get the wrong idea. It honestly was a freak accident but my boyfriend now was really nice and helped me get up and made sure I was ok while my boyfriend at the time was playing beer pong. It made me realize this guy really did care about me and he was scared to talk to me after what happened, things didn't last with my boyfriend at the time then and then my boyfriend now and I started to talk and we realized we have a lot more in common.
  8. This happened to me around a week ago. I met two wierdos in one day. I was walking with my dad to the bus stop, and we passed this guy on a narrow sidewalk. When we were passing each other he yelled F***!!!! I got so scared, but I just kept walking. As I walked away I heard him yell "A******!!" multiple times. When we turned a corner, I peeked at him and saw him looking at me and yelling the same thing.

    Later, when we returning home, we saw a lady in the middle of the sidewalk. She was yelling/ yell-singing at the sky.....Best....trip....ever.
  9. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    While i was at a concert there were these UGLY girls stalking me
    soon they cornered me and my friend (it was a concert/youth gathering they called it) well they started rubbing our hair and asked for samples so they could clone us (no joke) we ran away after they touched our chests! We were all like get the heck away and quit stalking us prostitutes (sorry but thats what my one friend said) and yeah i had nightmares for a weeks
  10. Luke

    Luke Member

    Me and my friend were hanging out at my house and he was sitting on my couch, he stretched and hit my computer that was on a table above him. I jumped and by reflex said " Hey now boy you quit that!!" in the most southern accent. Completely by accident. His eyes got GIANT and we both laughed for a good ten minutes.

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