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What would be your Kingdom Hearts movie cast?

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Ventus, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    If Kingdom Hearts was made into a live action film, who would you assign to fill the roles and who would direct the film? I looked at imdb to think of some ideas. Yep, I'm pretty bored! Join with me!

    Sora - Noah Ringer from The Last Airbender and Cowboys and Aliens or Dakota Goyo from Real Steel
    Riku - Jake Cherry from Sorcerer's Apprentice or Jimmy Bennett from No Ordinary Family
    Kairi - Elle Fanning from Super 8
    Ansem (heartless) - Jeff Bridges from Tron: Legacy
    Aqua - Olivia Wilde from Tron: Legacy
    Terra - Taylor Kitsch from John Carter or Chris Hemsworth from Thor
    Ventus/Roxas - Same as Sora?
    Axel - Seth Green from Austin Powers or Chris Evans from Fantastic Four and Captain America

    Director - David Yates (Harry Potter)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I love this idea. In my film, it would be a prelude of BBS into KH1, my cast would be as so. I'd also take into consideration that all the disney characters are animated/cgi.

    Aqua - Rooney Mara
    Terra - Chris Hemsworth
    Ventus - Toby Regbo
    Master Eraqus - Jude Law
    Master Xehanort - Patrick Stewart
    Braig - Eric Bana

    Sora - Asa Butterfield
    Kairi - Elle Fanning
    Riku - Ezra Miller
    Maleficent - Angeline Jolie (obviously)
    Ansem SoD - Johnny Depp

    I know a lot of these are >insert generic actor here<. But I genuinely think this cast would work really really well.
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Oh wow, Terra being Chris Hemsworth would be perfect! Asa Butterfield, however, doesn't look exactly right to me for Sora.
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Chris Hemsworth and Johnny Depp were the two I was most broken on. I think Chris would be perfect as Terra but I couldn't imagine him as Young Xehanort. And were as Johnny would but perfect for Ansem SoD, he doesn't look much like Young Xehanort would if Chris played him (although I'm not sure that would be two big of an issue, he's a heartless so he doesn't necessarily need to look the same...)

    As for Asa, I don't think he's looks like Sora, but I don't really want the characters to look like their video game counterparts to much. I just want them to be able to convey the same emotions. And after seeing Hugo, I think he'd do a really good job as Sora.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Actually, I was thinking that Emma Watson should be Kairi... but I was thinking of Kairi at her current age now.

    Sora: ???
    Kairi: Emma Watson
    Maleficent: Angelina Jolie (She better not screw it up or I'll choose Glenn Close)
    Vexen: Johnny Depp. XD
    Riku: ???
    Pete: ... ... XD John Goodman?

    I am not sure. I'll come back on the rest later.
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Emma Watson is far far to old to play Kairi. Even at her current age Kairi is only 15, Emma Watson is 22 and looks her age. Even though she's one of my favourite actresses she wouldn't work. I also don't think she suits the character. Emma is too strong and independent, where as Kairi is the young princess who needs to be protected. Emma would make a better Aqua I think.
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I don't really know why, but I'd love to see Gordon Freeman acting as Ansem, SoD. I know that he usually does good guy roles, but... u_u
  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Do you mean Morgan Freeman? The only Gordon Freeman I know is from Half Life?
    If you do mean Morgan Freeman, I think he would be a tad to old.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Oh, silly me. Morgan Freeman, that's the man I was talking about. lol
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Morgan Freeman would be beasty. :/ But Emma and Kairi looks alike at their age and Kairi looks more mature like Emma anyway. Plus, Kairi gains her own strength and independence herself... or maybe we are only talking about Kingdom Hearts 1 by itself only. I was thinking that Elle would be... the 14 year old version or 5 year old version while Emma be the 15/16 year old version.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xemnas- Johnny Depp

    Xigbar- Eddie Murphy

    Xaldin- Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson

    Saix- Chuck Norris

    Axel- (Guy who plays main character in Despicable Me)

    Demyx- Jack Black

    Luxord- Morgan Freeman (Or any actor with a British accent)

    Roxas/Sora- Jesse Mcartney

    Riku- Jackie Chan

    Kairi- Emma Watson

    Riku-Ansem- (Guy who plays Leonidus in 300)
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26


    Sora: ???
    Kairi: Emma Watson
    Maleficent: Angelina Jolie (She better not screw it up or I'll choose Glenn Close)
    Vexen: Johnny Depp. XD
    Riku: ???
    Pete: ... ... XD John Goodman?
    Vanitas: Hutch Dano
    Demyxx: Adam Hicks
    Larxene: Daryl Hannah
    Xion: Emma Watson (If not Kairi.)
    14year old/4,5 year old Kairi: Elle Fanning
    Marluxia: Keanu Reeves
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sora - Chris Pine from "Star Trek" - Though he's a little older, I think he could pull off the part of 15 year old Sora
    Riku - Alex Pettyfer from "I am Number Four" and "Beastly"- He just has a very Riku vibe
    Kairi - Georgie Henley from "The Chronicles of Narnia" - Red Hair, check... Age 17, check... Blue Eyes, check... Innocent and Sweet Enough, go ask Aslan she was the perfect queen who says she can't be a princess
    Ansem (heartless) - Hugh Jackman every X-Men movie with Wolverine - He just gives me an Ansem/Xemnas vibe as well
    Ansem the Wise - Jeff Bridges from "Tron Legacy" personally I see Jeff as Ansem the Wise, heck his imdb image shouts Ansem the Wise
    Aqua - Olivia Wilde from "Tron Legacy" Totally agree for Olivia she's got the tough girl act down.
    Terra - Michael Fassbender from X-Men First Class - He even looks like Terra a little.
    Ventus/Roxas - Jesse McCartney from "Kingdom Hearts" and "Chernobyl Diaries" - Come on this one is an easy no brainer
    Axel - Michael Sheen from "Tron: Legacy" -Let's just take that entire cast and make it Kingdom Hearts, lol. But if he can pull off what he did in Legacy, he could be Axel, or even Demyx for the fact

    Director - James Cameron - Let's be smart about this he directed Titanic and Avatar and has worked in the Video Game Industry, no brainer
    Gore Verbinski directed "Pirates of the Caribbean's" first three films and the most successful films of the series.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2012
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This is a great cast. I especially like the idea of Chris Hemsworth as Terra. The only one I'm not crazy about is Johnny Depp as Ansem SOD, but I have no idea who could do a better job.

    I agree with this. There's no way the actors are ever going to look exactly like their video game counterparts anyway, so it makes sense to choose someone who can really channel the character, even if there might be other actors who might look a little closer in appearance to the character.

    He's adorable in interviews, but I've seen him in both of these movies and he only ever has like one facial expression. But if he could channel the way he appears to act offscreen, he could be Sora.

    He's like way old. And opposite a girl almost half his age, it kind of squicks me a little. Not that there's any real romance between Sora and Kairi in the first game. But still. o_O I think Georgie Henley could be a decent Kairi, though.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think Jack Black would pull off Demyx so well. And The Rock could do Xaldin. No brainer there.

    Johnny Depp as Xemnas: He could so pull off the over emphasised and exasperating speeches and arm motions. It's in his blood lol!
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Johnny Depp needs to do either Vexen or Zexion... and... I am not crazy about Jack Black. Which character could he do? I don't think Demyx...
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Dude, Jack Black makes the worst jokes ever! IT TOTALLY FITS!

    And NO Johnny Depp plays Xemnas, end of story.

    You didn't comment about the Rock being Xaldin? Does that mean you agree?
  18. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Jack Black is a good actor, but definitely not fit for a movie about Kingdom Hearts, especially for Demyx or.... anyone.

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