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Whats Going On ?

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by TradeDemon, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Ok its only been us a week or so since we formed the new team but a lot has been happening behind the scenes. To update you all I'm gonna go through some things that have been happening and possibly also get your thoughts on the recent and upcoming changes.

    1.) Im working on a new design for the site, the staff have already seen the site in progress and once its complete I'll be sure to post the link onto you guys. There are some other plans revolving around this site so for now just sit tight.

    2.) We have added and re-orged some new sections to the site. These are by no means permanent and are still ongoing but I'll give you a quick summary.

    - Final Fantasy Forums have been consolidated into one forum with sub-forums
    - Other RPG Series has been created to pull together all RPG Gaming chat, hopefully, as this section develops more subsection will be created depending on popularity.
    - Off Topic sections have been re-ordered with the more popular sections coming on top.
    - General Kingdom Hearts now has the sub-forums Game Help and News, Rumours & Theories


    Guys and girls we're doing a lot of discussion in the staff forums so as we make the changes its also a great opportunity for you to chime in and let us know what you do and don't like as well as offering us some feedback on sections you might like to see in the future.

    It's your forums so we want to hear what you like.
  2. Uh yeah cool can we have a new game?
  3. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Sure Darkslayers will be heading up the Arcade so he'll speak to you guys with regards to any requests you want make, I suggest you post in the arcade thread to let him know.

  4. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Everything looks good so far. It's summer so people are going to be on vacation and offline more, so don't be worried by slow activity.
  5. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Thanks for those words of wisdom Betty Boop. You're right one can quite quickly forget about the vacations :)
  6. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Your welcome. I have noticed some trends with forums. Usually they are designed and visited by teenagers. Then the teenagers go to college/work and have less or no time for their sites. When they are around 30 they join forums again.
  7. I feel worried though. When I joined people were on alot, I guess as we age older we have more to do. There were 109 members as our record high. I think we should advertise.
  8. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Forums have ups and downs, thats natural, and we are advertising, but a forum is only as good as its members, if people just stop coming then we the staff are doing something wrong. But its your job to let us know the good and bad of the site :)

    If you want to advertise then the best way is to tell your friends about the site.
  9. I always do, but they are on "richer websites" like Gaia and ummm.....other ones that have flashier things.
  10. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    When you say flashier thing what do you mean ? If you give examples then maybe we can help deliver some of those things here ?
  11. They have animated siggyies already and deafault Avatars.
  12. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Thanks guys for the kind words. We're trying our best. And yesh, I'll be adding games to the Arcade very soon. Just sit tight and enjoy are new sections and you know? Talking to the new staff.:)

    And maybe we can figure things out about those nicer things later.

    Again, thank you guys.
  13. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is true, when we grow older, we have more responsibility. I might be coming and going this month, August, and September.

    I have to get ready for college. This month, I am trying to finalize everything for college, i.e. placement tests, class scheduling, orientations, loans and grants

    Then in August, I am moving out to Newark, NJ where I will attend Rutgers University.

    Class start first week of September, September 2nd is when the semester starts. One day before my birthday, lucky me!

    But don't worry, I will be active! Hehe!
  14. Im pretty happy with the way it sounds.
    My only question is whether it will be possible to slightly relax rules on the Fun and Games section and allow a spam lounge back. It doesnt up the post count and if we keep it clean of the Spam Lounge RP might we be able to have it?
    I always thought it was a great place to just have a chat about anything. And it was the most popular thread on the site :p
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  15. Missa wanna get game now!
  16. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Spam lounge, whats that then ?
    shadoweddestroyer likes this.
  17. The spam lounge was what its name suggests. A place to lounge around and - well actually not spam as you dont get any post count for it and we rarely double posted. It was just a general chat room.
    We could talk about anything we wanted. Until i left the site for a few months. When i came back the spam lounge was, not only closed, but deleted! It was the place i first came onto when i joined this site and had some good memories. So yeah, i want the spam lounge back :p
  18. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Ok I'll consider the spam lounge as a new area in the coming weeks.
  19. *thinks TD should be a god*
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As for another idea, we could have a chatroom, so people could talk to each other instead of waiting on PMs all the time.
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