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... When all of a sudden...

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Goldfish, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Not sure If I should place this in the Original RP's or fun and games because one, this is roleplay/story telling. two, its sometimes plotless and is kind of a game with the "when all of a sudden..."

    Continuing the story above you in your own desired way, end it off with a "when all of a sudden...
    For exapmple...
    While walking down the street, I stumbled across something quite shiny. I picked it up when all of a sudden...
    The person below would say...
    I realised it was only a shiny piece of aluminum wrap, so I ate it when all of a sudden...
    And so on and so fourth.
    Make it as real or surreal as you want but keep it for all ages.

    I'll start it off...

    While on my way to the train station this morning, I saw a person standing on the train tracks. A train was approaching, but the person who stood on the tracks did not move when all of a sudden...
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    he turned into jelly and the train passed right over him. He turned back into a solid form when all of the sudden......
  3. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    He hovered eerily towards me and offered me some jelly. Feeling disgusted over the event, I politely said no. I did however pushed my palm int his chest for some reason when all of a sudden...
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    he said "You must take the jelly....Because you are the chosen one......" he said when all of the sudden
  5. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    Another person, a man appeared from a hole that had recently popped up in the ground. "It is your destiny" He said when all of a sudden.
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    he got ran over by a truck, the person screamed "i'm still alive!" when all of a sudden...
  7. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    The truck rapidly shifted into reverse turbo and ran him over again, when all of a sudden.
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I girl screamed, "Stop!" She ran towards the truck when all of a sudden..
  9. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    A large piano smashed into the front of the truck. "Well that was Ironic said one of the men," when all of a sudden.
  10. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Auron appeared and guard the truck by slashed the piano into pieces. "I don't know why i am here but i must protect the truck." when all of a sudden
  11. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    The truck transformed Transformers Style and there stood Optimus Prime, he announced <ker shew shew sha shew shao> when all of a sudden...
  12. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Megatron come to the place from outspace and destroy Optimus Prime when all of sudden...
  13. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Megatron stopped. Because he could here some odd strange music.
    "What is it?" He asked. Optimus began to dance when all of a sudden...
  14. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    The guy from blues cluse pops out of Optimus Primes belly and starts singing, when all of a sudden.
  15. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Zombies revived from graveyard and unleash it's mouth smell to people and turn them into zombies when all of sudden...
  16. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I yelled out; "Thriller! Thriller Night! <doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo>" The zombified people and dead started dancing and somehow reviving Optimus Prime. He called out <Ker shao 'All Spark' ker ker shaw shaw shasho shosha sha> then started doing the robot when all of a sudden...
  17. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    (luv that "Ker shaw shaw shao show shew XD)

    Optimus Prime was banished by the zombies into somewhere in space. Unicorn upgraded him into SHIN-ZERO-OPTIMAL-PRIME and said, "KER SHAW SHIW SHUW SHEW SHOW I SHALL GET MY REVENGE SHASHISHUSHESHO" when all of sudden...
  18. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    It went totally silent. They all began to wonder where the hell they were. They soon noticed they were all in the bannished land where Optimus Prime was sent. They heard a wail, it began to get louder when all of a sudden....
  19. Exfir

    Exfir New Member

    A Whale plummeted through space in at un matchable speed. Then Bumble Bee the transformer appeared and caught the whale with his invisible net and threw it back in the ocean. When all of a sudden...
  20. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    *i think our posts should be 4 sentences or longer keeping in mind the RP rules*

    The ocean had suddenly turned into a huge plunge pool. It began to swirl and create some strange unknown vortex. Could the whale survive still? A fisherman noticed, who infact was secretly superman. He was about to save the whale when all of a sudden..

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