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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cervente, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Cervente

    Cervente New Member

    'Sup? You most likely remember me as the odd scientist guy from a few threads ago. Well, I decided to actually join in on the fun, instead of just looking at the site and debating on whether I want to play Skyrim, or finally post my beautiful world. Obviously, Skyrim won. A lot. So- I'm just letting you know that I'm finally joining.

    BY THE WAY: Moderator(s), PM me please. Have a question.
    <-- Too lazy to look up names and such and find out who is and who isn't a Modder.
  2. Noir


    You are totally gonna be a mod.. just what I wished.
    Well don't say that you want to be a mod. Well welcome back.
  3. Cervente

    Cervente New Member


    Actually, that wasn't it. xD I'm fine just being a member. Having more power would be nice- Although I may not use it very often. I never did when I was an Admin, anyway. Only when things got out of hand.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    One of the staff members would get irritated and merge this thread with your first intro. XD You could've just posted in your intro thread instead of making another one. Anyways, for those who are on staff:

    Destiny/Nicole, LDC1121, Malibu, Ric (Where in the world did he disappeared to), Ultima Star

    Super Mod:
    Desert Warrior

    Site Staff:
    G.SummonerBWM, Sorabrawl, StarKiller and Destiny/Nicole (Although her name is not under there).

    GFX Team:
    Ric, Ultima Star, Noctis, Malibu

    Vox, Kitty and Site Owner TradeDemon.
  5. Cervente

    Cervente New Member


    I guess they raged at me by not allowing me role play to be approved. xD Guess I'll just have to find another site. I am determined to find SOMEONE who can comprehend the vastness of my imagination. My Role play is a whole continent. Peeps just don't have enough imagination to abuse it, I suppose. xD
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, I wouldn't mind roleplaying but I blame Destiny/Nicole for making me wanting to see another roleplay be completed. This iste have a hard time in actually having roleplays getting completed so if you have a roleplay, I'm all game.
  7. Cervente

    Cervente New Member


    If it actually succeeded in being posted, you could join. xD Can't really join something that isn't there. Personally, I think it's a waste of time needing Mods to approve a post. They could just go in and see how a thread is doing. If it gets out of hand, notify and close the thread. :|
  8. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Oh yes, the wonderful game of Skyrim..lol, welcome to the forums :D :cool:
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Skyrim is BEAST!!!!

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