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When was Terra?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + / 2.5' started by King of Darkness, Mar 8, 2009.

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  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I was just browsing around on the forum when I saw Trump's sig with Terra. So I clicked on it, to see what it was all about. It featured KH2:FM+ and Sora's fight against Terra.

    Here's my question......

    The video at first shows Chip and Dale, I'm guessing, telling Sora about a dark portal in the room where the Cornerstone was. Sora, Donald, and Goofy go down there to see the portal. They go through it witch leaded to the Terra fight.

    Did they fight him in the present, or the past? If past, will that fight be shown or mentioned in Birth By Sleep? If present, does that mean the other Chasers are alive?
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Thanks for watching it :D
    Well, nomura said the battle isn't canon/real. It's just merely test for players. Well, i don't know for sure about that.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yea. I saw it today. I think it's the present, in a different world. What was that item at the end anyways? I don't read japanese signs.
  4. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Golden Crown. It's for defeating Terra.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    But you know them, you never know what'll happen. What IF you could play as Terra and FINALLY get to FIGHT, not help like KH2 Riku but FIGHT, Sora. How epic would that be? And you get to fight Sora, Donald, and Goofy. What attacks do you think they would use?
  6. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Well, that would be something outstanding by SE. If that event would happen on Birth by Sleep and actually travel-to-time to fight SOra, I can only say.. WICKED.

    The attacks would be the same.. but the question is, what would Sora do?
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