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where is the battle between cloud and sephiroth going?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Maxad, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    So the fight in hollow bastion/radiant garden with sephiroth was epic and all, but sephiroth pointed out that only cloud can finish him off. Also he mentions he IS cloud and after the battle, sora points iut that cloud is going to fight the darkness inside of himself. Durring the cutscene before we hear sephiroth talk about cloud not letting go of his past, yet aerith is still alive. However there is no sign of zack. The way sephiroth puts it, it sounds like he is a shadow to cloud, like his inner darkness taking shape. That means they are connected. Now that they have left to who knows where, we are left to wonder if the conclusion to this battle will be in the next installment and where it will take place. Then again it could just be cameos, final fantasy has been to known to be just cameos like disney characters, taking a backseat to the main cast and plot. But there is so much focus on these guys and it cant just be because of popularity. I think we might see this fiht finish in midgar if they decide to add the world of final fantasy vii. Just my thoughts. XD what do you guys think?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think; we'll see them again in Kingdom Hearts 3 since they have made an appearance in the major titles so far, but I doubt that Sora will visit any Final Fantasy worlds. It'll just take away from the Disney aspect of it. I hope that their cameos remain just that. From what I understand, Kingdom Hearts was created between the collaboration of Disney Interactive Studios and Squaresoft because they worked in the same building. I think that they should stay true to that. Kingdom Hearts universe + Disney Universe with the occasional cameo.
  3. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Youre probably right, as awesome as a final fantasy world would be, you can easily out them all in one village or as a secret in a disney world. Im fine with that. XD
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I thought there were comments made at one time by Nomura or some other higher-up involved in the franchise to the effect that there would never be an FF world because those characters were considered "guests" in the KH franchise? Am I making that up? :confused:

    Personally, I'm fine with not having an FF world. If I feel nostalgic about Midgar, or Balamb Garden, or Lindblum, or Zanarkand, I'll pop in the game where they're already fleshed out locations. I don't know that a KH game would do it justice. Besides, I like having the emphasis on the Disney locales.

    RE: Cloud and Sephiroth: I agree with Angel that we'll probably see what will hopefully be the end of that feud in KH III. My guess is it will take place at some point after we yet again hand Sephiroth his ass on a platter. XD
  5. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Yep. Cant wait to see that epic battle. ^__^
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    It makes sense, but I hope it's untrue. I'd love so badly to play in a re-imagined Midgar or Balamb Garden to name a few.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^ I honest can't remember anymore if someone official actually said that or I just made it up, lol. But it sounds really familiar, and seems fitting with the way the FF characters have been treated in the series thus far. Maybe if I have time tonight, I'll try and track the quote down, if it exists.
  8. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Maybe it will lead into KH3 like everyone is saying, plus I think they only added that for the hardcore fans of FFVII.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I know this is a little late, but here are a few quotes (though not the one I was looking for! I could only find references to it, but not the actual comment) from Nomura RE: Final Fantasy franchise in Kingdom Hearts.

    From an interview found here, from Dec 2014:

    It definitely seems as if the focus will continue to be on moving away from the FF characters, rather than adding FF worlds to the games. So, sucks to be Midgar. :p
  10. Mike

    Mike Member

    Dunno how to feel about that haha... So using FF characters was just a way to get us hooked on the series??? I feel betrayed and mislead (haha j/k).

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