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Which Games?

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Kitty, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Didn't see a thread like this one, and I'm curious.

    All of you Final Fantasy players out there, which games have you played, beaten, and/or own?

    As for me, I own:

    I and II a the Origins collection for the playstation
    V and VI as the Anthology collection for the playstation

    I've beaten all of them except for V, as I somehow managed to misplace the disc while moving, and haven't come across it yet, and I and II. I, I played a little, but was too busy at the time to really give it any attention, and I stopped caring about it. II, I never got around to even taking out of the case.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've beaten VII, Crisis Core, X, XII, and Dissidia.

    I own Crisis Core, XII, Revenant Wings, Dissidia, and the Tactics remake for the PSP. My brother owns X, but it is currently in my possession.

    I have gotten to the last boss in Revenant Wings, and the last area in the Tactics remake. Got too bored to finish.

    I have only borrowed VII and VIII, but never finished VIII due to never having a good enough disc to get through it. If I ever get a PS3, I plan on getting VII and VIII off of PSN (Or whatever it is on the PS3 that lets you get certain PS1 games).
  3. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    I've beaten all this game:

    Final Fantasy I , II , Tactics
    Tactics War of the Lion
    FFVII Crisis Core
  4. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I've beaten (and own):

    VII Crisis Core
    VII Dirge of Cerberus
    X-2 (ugh)
  5. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I've owned:
    -Dissidia (beaten)
    -I & II 10th Anniversary (beaten)
    -Crisis Core (beaten)
    -VIII (beaten)
    -X (beaten)
    -Tactics War of Lions (beaten)
    -XII (beaten)
    -Dirge of Cerberus

    Im too lazy to play DoC.
  6. Let's see. Own and beaten:

    - FFVII
    - FFVII: Crisis Core
    - FFVIII
    - FFIX (<3)
    - FFX
    - FFX-2
    - FFXII
    - Dissidia

    I never cared for XII enough to actually go out and play Revenant Wings, much less buy it.

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