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Why didn't 358/2 Days have Reaction Commands

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by KexanXV, Nov 27, 2009.

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  1. KexanXV

    KexanXV New Member

    I think that Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days would've been a lot more exciting if they put Reaction Commands in the game. I understand that with button confusion it would be a bit of a problem but just pointing out that it would've still been a good idea.
  2. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I think it really all goes back to the size of the game and the capabilities of the Ds.
    They where already pushing it with the excellent 3d.
    Also the big maps.
    Though yes I agree, if they figured a good way to control it, the action command would have been good on it.
  3. KexanXV

    KexanXV New Member

    Now that you say that it actually does make sense. Maybe the DS couldn't take the different Reaction Commands for most of the enemies. It would've taken a while to to it too.
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