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Will someone humor my RP idea?!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Angel, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Okay! I don't make RPs especially since it lacks activity 99.9% of the time. But the RP section is either filled with supernatural abilities or weapons so I would like to break the mold and take away people's dear individuality of their characters and make them all relatively equal! ^_^ Read the backstory and I'll explain it.

    Now, your asking me. Psychokinesis, Dowsing, and Transvection are all supernatural powers but I'm saying your wrong! Why? Because I came up with the idea. That is why! But I'll elaborate on this later on.

    1. Okay. In this alternate universe, The internet was never invented. The internet is basically computers connected to other computers. Webpages are just documents from servers aka computers who are always online and when we type in the urls. Our computer connects to these servers and retrieves these documents. Simple! You've learned something today already.

    Instead of connecting in this way, we have learned to connect to people directly. Interesting right! You know the saying 'We are all connected'. Well that saying has nothing on this. Humans give off Bio-electricity and Electromagnetic waves (EM Waves).and in this time line. We are able to communicate with each other using Biocommunications. So we are a living network. By harnessing the EM Waves that we emit. We are able to make these waves visible and whole. Hence, holograms. This is how we instant message and call and so forth. So look at it this way, all people who are connected to each other are the internet. Individual people are computers. Thoughts, and emotions are our webpages.

    2. Now here's Psychokinesis, Dowsing and Transvection explained. You know how people hack the Internet, so to speak. Well, in this universe, we hack REAL LIFE! Hence Psychokinesis, Dowsing, and Transvection. They're not supernatural abilities just, more or less everyday hacking of people's bioelectrity and EM waves. So don't expect it to be. Oh I'm going to lift this orange with my mind. It's a little more complicated than that.

    The plot! You can only imagine how good it will turn out. But for now, I've rarely given it much thought. The title of the RP will most likely be 'Too Little, Too Late' so you can only wonder what I have in store for this Roleplay. So I was wondering about people's concern and interest. I don't really want to bother with a Roleplay if no one is interested. I might just make it into an original fan-fiction if that's the case. So be sure to tell me your thoughts or just use Biocommunications!
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm sort of sensing an Inception vibe from this. I like it. A lighter touch to otherwise heavy abilities sounds like a blast.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I've never seen Inception but I have a general idea of what it is. But yeah, a similar concept is there.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'd be interested to see this made.
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I'm rather interested in this as well, Inception was a great movie and this seems to be quite similar and somewhat cooler.
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Seem legit and unique but im a very slow and retarded person so this roleplay may be very complex for people of my kind. So ya might want to stupify it a little bit.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Nah. The universe in which it will take place might be complicated because I have to explain how things work in this universe and our own.

    Basically: We have electricity in our body called Bio-electricity. Our cells and tissue create electromagnetic fields (EM Fields) because they are charged by our bioelectricity. Technology in this universe has evolved in such a way that we can communicate with each other by manipulating the bioelectricity and EM Field. So we are like walking, talking computers with holograms [Visible EM Fields].

    It's a futuristic setting!
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It seems like this might be best formatted into a sand box RP.

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