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World Maps

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Goldfish, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I was playing some FF1 recently, then I booted up the PS2 and played some FF12 and FF12 and realised something was really lacking. A world map.
    I miss the old world maps, transporting yourself from one place to another by foot, chocobo, ship or air ship. Sometimes even a dragon/wyvern.
    Spotting pieces of land which you know can only be accessed by a new means of transport, finally getting what you need and then going there first thing. Exploring uncharted places on the map, finding something that's not really mentioned in the game and so on.

    Anyone else prefer the Old World Maps or has the travel to each place on the same "level" or "click and go" become the more preferred?
    Kitty likes this.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I like the old map kind, but I think that FFX and FFXII somewhat incorporated that. Instead of them running around on a map, the games go into more detail about what the landscape actually looks like. The airship is nice, being able to click wherever you want and go, but in XII I rarely use it. I use the warp crystals more than anything.

    But yeah, in X and XII, when you're running around in the wilderness I think that is just the way they decided to use the map, making it so much more detailed and more realistic.
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I like both.The original World Map gave let you explore alot,find places that had nothing to do with the story but were fun to go to and maybe had some good stuff.Starting with X there seems to be less of that,but there are areas still like that.Use the Airship passwords and map to find a couple new areas,mostly with treasure,but one for the hidden dungeon and another for a hidden aeon.DOnt care bout spoilers btw.Then you got XII,which while you go just about everywhere on your journey,some places are still technically hidden and can lead to areas not needed for the game,but have some fo the best stuff.

    Also,rarely used the airship as well for XII.Mostly the warp cyrstals.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? I don't even use the airships in FFXII unless I'm doing that side quest to help the sister not get married to a man that she don't like by going on different ships giving the others letters or if I' doing a elite mark against the Deathgaze dragon. Teleport crystals are the way to go!
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yes! I was disappointed when I first played X and it didn't have a world map. I spent a lot of time running around for no reason, leveling up and searching the landscape for hidden areas or treasures. I especially enjoyed IX's map, with its weather changes and cool-looking cities. ^_^

    And God knows I'll never forget the hours I spent in FFVII, running around on the world map looking for freakin' Junon, or searching for Ultimate Weapon when he got away from me. Good times.

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