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Xehanort the Keyblade Master?!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Twin in Shroud, Aug 1, 2008.

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  1. Twin in Shroud

    Twin in Shroud New Member

    this is an idea that i cam up with on Master Xehanort.
    in kingdom hearts 2 when you beat the final Xemnas. He says something that nobody really enknowledges.

    "the Keyblade a truly marvelous weapon" this may not mean anything to Sora and the others but to someone with the memories of master xehanort the words have a greater meaning.

    now the legend of the keyblade says that it's master brought salvation to the worlds while the other says that it brought chaos. what if both were true.

    Terra, Ven, and Aqua add proff to this theory. The three of them are not full masters but actually apprentices searching for their master. they also have a connection to Xehanort.
    so basicallyit means that there were two masters of the keyblade one good and one evil or Master xehanort was once good then turned bad.

    now to add to the idea of this being true a true master of the keyblade has mastery over all the blades and keychains which MX demonstrated.
    So what does that mean?
    was MX the first keybalde master or were there two masters.

    oh and i aslo foun this out about roxas and # XIV. when roxas first joined the organization he origianlly weilded one keyblade. i think that XIV had something to do with Roxas weilding two blades. this actually goes with my ven theory earlier and the two parts ofhis and sora's heart. thatis all for now.
    Locogabitron likes this.
  2. Sora the Darkeater

    Sora the Darkeater New Member

    her name is Xion. she may have but just wait till the game comes out.
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