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Xion Theory

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Tntk_2, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. Tntk_2

    Tntk_2 New Member

    I'll Say it fast, I think Xion would Be Aqua's Nobody. Here are a few random points to say it.

    It takes a Stab at some BBS stuff aswell, namely Master Xehanort's Apprentice(I think it's Xehanort/Ansem). Master Xehanort shall be called Bald Guy.

    Xemnas Talks to it, Calling it friend. I believe Aqua was turned into a heartless by Xehanort (Xehanort Fooling her into thinking he was good, then Heartless-ing her). Leading Xehanort to refer to her As "friend" as a memory of his trickery. He Had his memories sealed away Thus not realising he had them. when he gave up his heart, turning into a heartless Xemnas Came into Being. Xemnas May have not had his memories blocked, thus knowing about the past.

    Xion Can Use a Keyblade. I think its real. Only Nobodies of Keyblade wielders can wield Keyblades. Aqua Is a Keyblade Wielder.

    Xion Reportedly has hair similar to Kairi's, Aqua Has Hair that seems like A Variation Of Kairi's. The other Nobodies have hair similar to their Human Counterparts. Zemnas/Xehanort have slightly different hair, as do Roxas/Sora.

    There. more to come.... I think. Break it apart.
  2. Nobody13

    Nobody13 New Member

    cool makes sense
  3. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Good deductions thus far. It's really a mystery...those three female characters are so similar it makes one wonder if they aren't connected somehow. For example, the whole naming thing. Kairi means sea (really close variation of sea/sea journey is Kairo), which obviously has a root in water. Aqua obviously means water, too. And while Xion has no direct relation to water name-wise that I know of, her hair is blue, which could be an indication. But it doesn't really matter even if Xion has nothing intrinsically to do with water, because like you mentioned, the hair of both Aqua and Xion is the same. It's also very strange that Kairi, Aqua, and Xion somehow all have the same voice.

    The thing that throws everything off, though, is what I have read in interviews. I believe that Nomura said that there wasn't really a relationship between the three, at least not in the way fans think. I have no idea what this means.

    I do know one thing, though: it seems way too much of a coincidence that Kairi=(sea) water, Sora=(sky) air, and Riku=earth; and Aqua=water, Ven=air, and Terra=earth. Seriously.

    Plus, the fact that they are all keyblade wielders...and listening to both reverse songs Passion and Simple and Clean, where Hikaru speaks about Ansem and the shadow war convinces me that there is a huge connection between all of them. I'd like to be able to solve the mystery!!
  4. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Well, I didn't mean to hit post, so sorry for double posting, but I think I must...

    One last thing to keep in mind: if Xion is Aqua's nobody, what about her name? So far, the game creators have been consistent with the anagrams. It's a possibility that if Aqua was forgotten, that she could have received a "new name" (like Xehanort technically received a new name in taking Ansem's), and thus, Xion could have been from that new name (as either ion, noi, ino, oni-demon 0.o-,or nio...or oin, which sounds really stupid). And I suppose that I could see the stretch, because there is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that Axel is Reno's nobody. Their names don't match, but they are so alike. Reno even does the "Got it memorized" hand to head motion... :) so funny. You might say that their names don't match. I would say you're right. But, if you consider that Reno was apparently a huge fan of Ale...it makes sense that instead of making it a completely dead giveaway, Nomura decided to add x to Ale to get Axel.
    (Perhaps this is the case with Xion, too.)
  5. worbs

    worbs New Member

    tricky but sounds about right i think. you may be on to something
  6. worbs

    worbs New Member

    you know i think your on to something there
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Xion's hair is black not blue. But i think Xion is related to Kairi more then Aqua, she could be her orignal nobody.
  8. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Personaly I think that Xion could be part of Kairi. They look ALOT alike. ....or maybe even Namine.
  9. DjC

    DjC New Member

    Xion can't be Namine because there is a conflict where Xion encounters Namine.
  10. Viaxara-XIII

    Viaxara-XIII New Member

    that makes total sense! i thought xion was kairi :p
  11. Ekku

    Ekku New Member

    Why is Xion so late in the Organization, if she is Aqua´s nobody? Why Xion looks younger than Aqua?
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

  13. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member


    She's got a definite connection to Kairi. Fo show, Aqua probably not. Namine and Roxas were mistakes in the system of "creating nobodies". They are a part of Kairi and Sora, Roxas= Kairi's love in Sora look a like vessel, Namine=Sora's love in Kairi look a like vessel. This is what they mean when Roxas says:" I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
    Namine: "I always thought nobodies were doomed to fade back into darkness..."
    Roxas: "yeah, but you and I didn't. We got to meet our original selves...."
    My point? Namine and Roxas aren't the main nobodies of Sora and Kairi, like they're still out there. Xion may be Kairi's real nobody.
  14. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    yeah that was a little mind blowing
  15. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Yep, you're right about her hair being black. Clearly I had no idea what I was talking about when I said her hair was blue...thought it was navy blue because of a pic I saw, but after looking more closely at a few more, I realized that it was in fact black. Thanks!! But regardless, she still looks so much like Kairi and Aqua...and she's a "special nobody", whatever that's supposed to mean. Roxas and Namine are special nobodies, too...

    But yes, I was considering the same thing with Xehanort/Xemnas and the whole Heartless conversion. I'm just wondering what the connection is to Ven...

    And there might be a connection in this: Selharxets and Xehanort. Both mean the same thing, unscrambled, in a sense: Selharxets=heartlessX and Xehanort=noheartX. Both technically are indicating a lack of a heart (not getting into the detail that Heartless do have hearts...the naming is a bit odd in that respect, but it kept suspense). There might be a connection between Selharxets and Xion; I have read about this Selharxets being th 14th member....although these might be complete rumors. The name heartless sounds familiar, however, so I thought it might be relatively useful information.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  16. Terra99

    Terra99 New Member

    That's a good theory...the only problem is that I wish people would stop making theories!!! It gets me curious but then I realize I can't know until the game...so why bother :-/
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Who is Selharxets? I have never heard of him.
    fishy smells likes this.
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    lol, I think this is complete rumor. Not true, this Xion is believed to be the 14th member, at least thats what we can conclude from pictures and what little information has been released.
    fishy smells likes this.
  19. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    Xion is probably Aqua's Nobody
  20. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Yeah, I dunno, though. The heartless part sounds really familiar. The whole 14th member thing doesn't match up--which makes it suspect--but then again, I never really believed Xion...It annoys me, because I can't get a hold of the things that I need to put the pieces together because I can't find them anywhere...!
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