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Your Belovedness Has Arrived~

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Belovedness, Jan 13, 2011.

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  1. Belovedness

    Belovedness New Member

    So um yeah, Hi everyone.
    Welllllll what should I say? (Boo, I'm quite terrible at introductions)

    I guess I can start of with something like;

    This site looked nice so i decided to join it (because my other forums are turning stale) >3> The Rot kicks in after a while (Hopefully it wont happen with this site). I hope you don't all have some kind of "Noob Hating" policy- I don't care for the akwardness of that whole deal

    Blah, i guess I can go on about what I do umm, I draw (very well depending on the day), I can write very well although I'm not one for fanfiction or any sort of thing like that, I know PLEANTY of doujinshi and animations of my favorite series. I'm not particularly all fangirl over yaoi; I like it somewhat, just not the really weird/forced/stupid/crack pairings that don't make sense whatsoever <.<

    Umm I have a feeling that this is a female-dominated site (that's rather a very bad or very good thing >.> and well um yeah)
    I like very different series like Silent Hill, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and Umineko No Naku Koro Ni so (as you can tell) I'm alittle messed up in the head lol

    So yeah, this has gone on quite a while hasn't it?
    I guess I'll end it here unless you have anything to ask.
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