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~ Your Dream Girlfriend/Boyfriend ~

Discussion in 'General' started by Autopsy, Dec 7, 2009.

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  1. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    We're going to fill out little profiles here.
    I want to see what the rest of you end up saying.
    And, so I can see seeds of how gender roles show themselves here.

    *Age (How old they'd be)
    *Physically (What they'd look like)
    *Personality -
    -how they'd act emotionally
    -how they'd act mentally
    *Negative traits of theirs that you'd accept
    *Their hobbies

    k, go.
  2. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Gender - No comment hehehe
    *Age - around my age.
    *Physically - good looking in the face and body, and has to be taller than me
    *Personality - cool beanz
    -how they'd act emotionally - haha wut
    -how they'd act mentally - wise
    *Negative traits of theirs that you'd accept - lust and fetishes
    *Their hobbies - anything that's a sport is okay with me. :'P

  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Heck, why not....

    *Age: Somewhere around my age.

    *Physically: I dont have really any stone requirements. Cute smile, not girly looking. Blue or green eyes really get my attention most of the time lol.

    *Personality: Someone fun to be around and can laugh at their own mistakes. Reletively easy going but knows when it's time to be serious. Insightful. For some reason I really like talking to people who are intellegent and can do more than beat some faces in when I'm upset. Shyness can be cute at times but jeez when his friends have to set up the dates because he's too shy to give me a call on the phone that can get a bit weird. All in all, just someone who is ok hanging out and having fun instead of being uptight all the time or being a jerk.

    -how they'd act emotionally: Emotional rollercoasters are not fun. I dont need to date someone who has more moodswings than a pregnant woman on horomones and steroids at the same time. I can go see my cousin for that. *lol jk*
    You know, I honestly havent thought about this much before but people with stone hearts annoy me some too.

    -how they'd act mentally: Intellegent and insightful. I honestly really love having challenging one on one conversations with people.

    *Negative traits of theirs that you'd accept: Anything but chain smoking, tobacco, or getting drunk all the freeking time. Those three have always been extremely abnoxious to me.

    *Their hobbies: Talking, writing, debating, MUSIC *which is my addiction lol*, dancing, anything fun!​
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Hmm.... I wonder if I can answer all of these. Need to give it some thought.

    *Age: My age, + or - 1 or 2 years
    *Physically: A little shorter than me. Preferably blue eyes, green okay. Or a nice hazel. Long hair. Not super skinny, but not.... How to say in nice words.... Big either.
    *Personality: Humorous. Not a complete idiot. An occasional blonde moment is okay. Able to understand joke, regardless of how stupid they may be. Fun loving. Not too serious unless the situation requires it. Not getting mad at things I may or may not say.
    -how they'd act emotionally: This is difficult. I suppose I'm okay if she cries, but that's because I don't mind if she cries in my shoulder. But also tough. Not too tough, like controlling women in relationships are. But tough enough so she doesn't get emotional over things that shouldn't matter.
    -how they'd act mentally: Calm. Assessing situations before acting. I suppose slightly headstrong is okay.
    *Negative traits of theirs that you'd accept: I don't know. The perfect girlfriend wouldn't have any negative traits, but then she wouldn't be human.
    *Their hobbies: Video games. Airsoft. Slow dancing.​

    P.S. Where's yours Autopsy?
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