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Yu Gi Oh Abridged : The Written Script 1

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by No.III Xaldin, Mar 24, 2010.

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  1. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    Video Link Too :

    Yu Gi Oh The Abridged Series 1


    Yami : Yu Gi Oh was filmed before a live studio audience

    *flashes to yugi's school*

    Yugi : Hey Joey, earth to Joey.

    *Flashes into the class*

    Yugi : Hey, are you in there? Its your move.

    Joey : Sorry yoog. Dueling in this brooklin accent makes it difficult to concentrate on card games.

    Tristan : I know what you mean. My voice is pretty crazy too. I'm thinking about changing it.

    Yugi : By the way, my granpa has a super rare card.

    Tristan : GROOVY!!!

    random kid : Hey bada-bing!

    *flashes to seto kaiba, which he was just off screen*

    Seto : Rare card? That sounds vague enough to be the blue eyes white dragon. And since i'm a child billionair in charge of a huge gaming company, i obviously have nothing better to do than to check it out.

    *flashes to yugi's granpa's shop*

    Yugi : Hey gramps, can we see your super-rare-awesome-chocolatey-fudge-coated-mega-super card?

    Soloman : I don't see why not. There it is, the blue eyes white dragon.

    Joey : That's the least threatening name for a monster i've ever heard. What kind of moot would want a card like that?

    *Seto barges in*

    Seto : I'm here for your blue eyes, old man, and i won't take no for an answer. Now give it to me.

    Solomon : No.

    Seto : Curses, foiled again. i'm gonna hire some thugs to kidnap you now. I'm a billionair, so... nobody wouldn't even think of pressing charges.

    Solomon : That Kaiba kid needs to get laid.

    Tristan : BIG time.

    *fades to next scene*

    Yugi *at phone* : Hello. Game shop.

    Seto *thru phone* : I kidnapped your granpa, Yugi, and then i duelled him into submission, so could you come over here and call an ambulance for him. i have far too much money to be expected to do it myself.

    Yugi : Wait, who is this?

    *flashes to kaiba corp. entrance*

    Yugi : GRANPA!!! Are you ok?

    Solomon : For some reason, playing a card game has caused me to become severely injured.

    Seto : Thats right. And now, watch this.

    *tears up the blue eyes*

    Yugi : Granpa's special-super-rare-awesome-super card!

    Joey : What the heck did you do that for?

    Seto : So that it can't be used against me.

    Yugi : In that case, why not tear up every single card up in the entire world?

    Seto : Shut up and duel me.

    Yugi : Don't worry gramps, i'll win this duel with your deck.

    Solomon : Whai-whait a minute, i've been injured so you're gonna steal my deck and go play cards with your arch


    Yugi : Pretty much.

    Solomon : No wonder your parrents are never around.

    Tea : Gather 'round, everyone. I'm gonna mark us with a special sign.

    Joey : Uhhh. Hey Tea. Not for nothing but ain't this permanent marker?

    Tea : Ooohhhh. Woops.

    Joey : Why are you even carryin' that thing in the first place?

    Tea : I'm a Cleptomaniac, i stole it from school.

    Tristan *off screen* : Hey, my wallet's missing!

    Tea : Kaiba took it!

    *flashes to the duel arena*

    Yami : Its time to duel!

    Seto : Hey. Did your testicles just drop in the past five seconds or something? What the heck happened to your voice?

    Yami : Holy Rah! Real monsters!

    Seto : Actualy, they are just super advanced holograms created for the soul purpos of enriching the experiance of a children's card game.

    Yami : Ok seriously, you've got to be f*beep* kidding me. Who wastes all that money on something like that?

    Seto : The guy who's gonna beat your pasty pharaoh butt with three blue eyes white dragons. Thats who!

    Yami : Wait a minute. Did you just summon a bunch of monsters one turn?

    Seto : Yeah, so?

    Yami : That's against the rules, isn't it?

    Seto : Screw the rules, i have money. Now draw your last pathetic card, Yugi, so i can finish you.

    Yami : My granpa's deck HAS no pathetic cards, Kaiba... Except maybe for kuribo. But it also has THIS!

    *shows exodia*

    Yami : The unstoppable exodia!

    Seto : Aaahhhh! Exodia! It's not possible! Nobody's been able to summon him!

    Yami : Really? Is it because it's so rare?

    Seto : No it's because this game makes no sence. Nobody could figure out how to do it.

    Yami : Nobody except ME! Exodia, obliterate!

    Mokuba *for some reason* : Big brother. Is it time for my cameo yet?

    Seto : Owww. How can you summon exodia?

    Yami : Kaiba, if you really wish to know, then talk to the hand!

    Seto : Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    *flashes to the hospital*

    Solomon *waking up* : I wet myself.

    *Fades into Pegasus' oddly dark room*

    Henchman : Mr. Pegasus, sir. It seems the reining duel monster's champion has been defeted by someone named

    Yugi...... Also, it's time for your spongebath.

    Pegasus : Mmmmmmmm

    *5 second credits*
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2010
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