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Yukou's Bios

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Yukie, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Name: Hatsumomo Shikami (Hatsu for short)
    Translation: Exotic Death God

    Age: 20

    Position: Member of the Organization XIII

    Race: Human

    Element: Sand/Earth

    Weapon: Dust Fans - A flick of the fans sends dust particles through the air. She also use it to teleport.


    Dust Dragon - Using her fans, she spin it around and slap them together, creating a dragon made from sand and dust.

    Tomb - It is her shield. Dirt rise up from the ground and surround her, creating a barrier.

    Sonic Wave - Slapping her fans together, she sends a cresent wave at her enemies.

    Empress' Curse - This is her ultimate attack. She aborbs the sand and transform into the Sand Phoenix. As the Sand Phoenix, she can fly and shoot sand balls that bury her enemies.

    As the Sand Phoenix:

    Sand Balls - Ball of sand that shoots out from her wings.

    Sand Fury - Flapping her wings, she creates a sandstorm

    Wave of Destruction - Flying up in the sky in a high speed, she suddenly drops at full force from the sky, and slams into her enemies. She transform back into a human.

    Physical Description: [​IMG]

    Personality: She is sarcastic, cold, and self center. She will do ANYTHING to get things down.

    History: She was a fail experiment. They tempt to fuse the Heartless Phoenix with a regular human. After being a fail experiment, Hatsumomo was locked up and never seen the day of light. She began practicing her powers and she began good at it. After escaping from her prision, she went on a rampage. Killing everyone in her experiment. This action cause her to come in contact with the Organization.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Hotaru's Bio

    Name: Hotaru Mangetsu
    Translation: Firefly of the Full Moon

    Age: Ageless but look like 8 years old.

    Position: Member of Organization XIII

    Race: Human

    Element: Wind

    Weapon: Mirror of Reflections - A mirror that looks deeply into people souls. It can give you good thoughts or feed you your fears. It can drive you crazy, make you insane, and gives you bad thoughts. It also can absorb enemy attacks.

    Abilities: Mirror Wall - Raising her mirror up, she can create a force field.

    Dancing Shards: Using the wind, she can pick up debris and hurl it to the enemy.

    Soul Reaper: A giant sycthe emerged out of the mirror attacking the enemy.

    Warrior's Spirit: A energy ball shoot out from the mirror, when contact the victim becomes paralyze for a short time.

    Wind, Hear My Cry!: An Unknown attack.

    Physical Despcription: [​IMG] Final Form

    Personality: She is a child, love playing games, especially mind games. She is a sadist. Her joy comes from other people pain.

    History: Consider to be the child of the Heartless, Hotaru was born in a test tube. By merging with a heartless and ovary, Hotaru was created. She is the perfect experiment, she is more powerful that Hatsumomo and the Organization's scientist treasures her. The only down fall to her creation is she doesn't age and she have chronic heart problems. She can not be in a battle for too long, or she will have shortness of breath and chest pains.
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps


    Name: Scientia Ju

    Age: 21

    Position: Freelancer Scientist

    Race: Human

    Element: Darkness

    Weapon: Fang of Darkness


    Darkness Wall: A Barrier Appear. Absorb Dark base attack and reflect light base attacks.

    Doom Slice: A quick attack. By teleporting, she can slice her enemies.

    Dark Clones: She can materialize her shadows, making clones.

    Dark Rain: Multiple swords rains down the enemy.

    Physical Description: [​IMG]

    History: Unknown (Will explain later in the story.)
  4. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Name: Jin, Thunder Lord Ixion

    Age: 23

    Position: Paladin of Thunder

    Race: Human

    Element: Thunder

    Weapon: Lighting Rod - A spear with a jagged edge. Good for conducting electric attacks.

    Thundaga - A heavy thunder magic.
    Flash Attack - Using his lighting speed, he can slash and dice his enemies.
    Thor's Hammer - A thunder attack that shocks his enemies.

    Pic: [​IMG]

    History: A protector in the world of Kingdom Heart. History will be explained.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Name: Anima, Ice Goddess Shiva

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Position: Paladin of Ice

    Element: Ice

    Weapon: Ice Shard, a sharp katana that is solely made from ice. Freezes weak enemies on contact.

    Blizzaraga: A Heavy Ice Magic
    Heavenly Strike : Using her sword as a cross hair, she drop ice on her enemies from heaven.
    Diamond Dust: Throwing her sword at the enemies, the path that it travels turns to an ice. With a snap of a figure, she shatters her enemies.

    Pic: [​IMG]

    History: Coming Soon

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