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Zacax's OCs

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Name: Zac Gearheart

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Possistion: Keyblade weilder, apprentice,

    Weapon(s): Gearshift (A key blade with a grey cog as the teeth, a gunmetal blade connecting to the teeth and handle, with it having several smaller gears on it, which turn when the blade is swung, the handle is a metallic red, similar to the handle of the ends of the earth. The keychain is a silver cog), gun blade (a katana-like weapon with a tommy gun fuse with it, and the handle working as the trigger as well, being slightly bent to be similar to the grip of a rifle).


    Gear Grinder: Zac starts to spin his blade in a clockwards motion, and then throws towards an enemy as it spins at the enemy causing damage, similar to strike raid. (though he is wide open when the blade is tossed)

    Limit; Sentry: Zac pulls out his bullet blade and protects his partner at all costs, shoting enemies all around.

    Physical Apperance:

    Zac is very tall and lanky, being skinny and making people believe he is weak. He has brown, shaggy thick hair, hazel eyes, white skin, and big "puppy dog" hands. He typically wears a grey vest over his red shirt with funeral shoulder pads on the sleeves of his shirt, denim jeans with red lower leg armor, black fingerless gloves with red fist armor and black shoes.

    Personality: Zac is very kind and caring, and can crack a joke whenever he can. Though he can be oblivious, and not so much up for social activity, but in battle, he switches to strategist mode and focuses on his opponents. He is wry passive agressive and doens't say what is making him feel down, mad, or he holds an unnecessary grudge. Zac is also a bit of a spaz, and no one can really predict what he says or what he will do or how he is feeling.


    Homeoworld: Radiant Garden

    Strength: Close range and longe range combat.

    Weaknesses: Zac isn't the fastest when it comes to his feet, those his arms move faster and swifter. Basically he isn't nimble or agile, making him an open target sometimes.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Name: Zac Todd
    Side: Hero
    Universe/World: Halo-Earth
    Position: Spartan
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male

    A brave and intelligent soldier, Zac is very noble and caring, and often cracks a joke here and then. His oblivious and carefree nature make people believe he is not cut out to be a Spartan, let alone a soldier, though his intelligence and strategies say otherwise.


    Physique: A tall (Roughly 6'02), lanky, white skin teenager with hazel eyes, brown hair and long arms and legs.

    Helmet: Mark VI (Reach design)
    Torso: Grenader/Mark IV
    Shoulder: Hazop (Right) none (Left)
    Knee: Mark VI
    Other: Two bullet belts with at hold shotgun shells that loop around his torso, magnum holster on his left thigh.

    Normal atire: A red button up with a grey vest and blue jeans with black dress shoes.


    Armor Lock: A piece of somewhat outdated equipment, but it still works fine with the Mark armor Zac has on. The user slams his fist into the ground and his armor locks up, and forms as a shield against powerful explosions. Though since it is old, it may not always activate. If it stays in the armor lock for the full limited amount of time, he can send an E.M.P. blast which can shut off cars and electronics, and slightly harm foes.


    -Repairing vehicles
    -Armor Lock
    -Sprint (Default Armor Ability: Allows Zac to run faster for a limited time (2 posts))

    Weapons: Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Magnum, wrench.


    Zac's parents were killed during the time Reach was falling, luckily, he managed to escape, and board onto a UNSC owned Pelican, and flew off the planet. That was when he was 12. He is 17 now, and is a Spartan IV, the newest class of Spartans which were recently formed.

    Zac's armor has been salvaged from old armor that he managed to add to his armor and repaired. His spartan number is 107, but his code name is Salvager, due to him collecting enemy machine parts and manages to build them into something new or repair them.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Neo Digidestined/Digidestined:

    Name: Zac Gearson


    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Personality: Zac is a caring young boy, who can be oblivious and social awkward, though despite is oblivious nature, he is very intelligent. He can however blow a fuse when bugged or interrupted in sentence, battle or invention.

    Bio: Zac's dad is an inventor, and he is one as well. Zac often spends his time at home, in his family's garage inventing something or repairing cars wih his dad, or fixing household appliances. He is the only son in his family, with an older sister and a younger one. He often stays at home after school, not really having any friends, being socially awkward.

    Digivice: Dark green and dark red


    Type: Vaccine

    Name: Kipper

    Species: Gummymon


    Personality:Like Zac, he is socially awkward, though he cares for Zac and his friends. He is quite curious, and is often lost in his own thoughts. He disagrees with Zac being siding with the Deva Kings.

    -Fresh: Zerimon
    -In-training: Gummymon
    -Rookie: Terriermon - Digimon Wiki: Go on an adventure to tame the frontier and save the xrosed world!
    -Champion: Gargomon - Digimon Wiki: Go on an adventure to tame the frontier and save the xrosed world!
    -Ultimate: Rapidmon
    -Mega: MegaGargomon

    Name: Zac Blazer
    Class: Veteran Trainer, Gym Leader
    Age: 15
    Personality: A brave and caring boy, Zac is a very loving trainer. He can seem oblivious and carefree, typically cracking a joke sometimes, but he is very intelligent, focused and loved to strategize, this shows a lot in battles.
    -Growlithe (Z-pup)
    -Togepi (Caleb)
    -Braviary (Valor)
    -Gallade (Blade)
    Not really his Pokemon, Blade belonged to his father who was a gym leader as well. Blade is more of a guardian to Zac rather than an official member of his team.
    -Drillbur (Digger)
    -Totodile (Bite)

    Zac has lived with his dad who was a gym leader, and thus, Zac trained to become one as well. He has two sisters and is the only son of the family, with his older sister being a breeder, and his little sister wanting to enter contests. He and his family reside in Unova in Nuvema Town.

    Zac started his journey as a trainer at 10 like most, and tracked the regions with Z-pup, his growlithe and first Pokemon, and Blade protecting him. Zac challenged the gym leaders and the elite fours and won, but sadly, never came close to beating the champions of each region. Currently, he is training in his dad's gym in Unova, but recently left to travel some more, an thus his new journey began.

    He has recently found Teressa, a town he never encountered on his first journey, and decided to check it out, hearing about a celebration taking place, dedicated to the legendary Mew, being interested as to what would be happening.

    Born to Be a Winner-Full

    Basically Zac is gym leader who loves to travel, kinda like Brock and Misty when they traveled with Ash.

    Name: Zanebono Stalkson
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male

    Species: Wizard


    A brave, humble and kind young man who generally displays a light-hearted, talkative, easy-going, witty and cheeky manner, but repeatedly demonstrates a vengeful and unforgiving streak as well. His strong personal sense of justice makes him quick to anger when he feels it is violated, this is coupled, however, with an intense sense of regret of the deaths of both his friends and enemies. He also has a tendency to babble, mixing apparent nonsense with vital information, sometimes acting erratically to put his enemies off-guard. He is prone to making comments that to outsiders seem obtuse or rude, sometimes to his own embarrassment.

    -Elemental Magic
    -Weapons Magic
    -Psionic Magic
    -White Magic
    -Healing Magic

    -Sword combat


    -A long sword that looks like that of an old, medeavil sword he calls the Luck.
    -The Stalkson Cane (A brown cane with a diamond as the handle)


    A powerful wizard, Zanebono has kept this a secret for his whole life until the events that have recently happened. He lived in Italy with his mother who was also a wizard, and his little brother, Geomar. The family has kept their magic abilities secret, not just because the world might freak out, but because they knew about the other SEs that hated wizards. And he has kept it a secret really well, he can fool almost anyone and will easily give them the appearance that he is a normal human.

    He achieved his magic powers when he was 13, and at that point, his mother began training him to learn how to control it. When he was 14, they moved to America, seeing how they would have a better chance of not being revealed.

    When he was 15, his world was rocked forever. On his way home from school, he made it home only to find it destroyed, an injured mother, and a missing baby. He got his mother to the hospital and his mother explained what happened. Two vampires had found them, and attack their home. They kidnapped the baby and almost turned her into a vampire, if it weren't for her using magic to create a hole in the roof to have the sun destroy one of the vampires, however, the other escaped with the baby.

    It was then Zanebono became enraged, and began to have a hatred of vampires, and vowed to get revenge.

    Side: Humanity

    Note: Zanenono is based off the 10th Doctor

    Name: Mega Man ZETA

    AI Age: 15

    Version: Neo Reploid

    Class: Commander, Mega Man


    Mega Man ZETA's personality is a mixture of Classic, X, and EXE. ZETA is very kind, caring, and thoughtful Reploid, who is just, brave and at times, reckless, and very loyal to his creator and "family". ZETA, however, can be sometimes, hot headed and at points lazy, but part of it was because he was designed as a teenager. Like X, he does worry, which shows over his Reploid "family" and friends.

    Despite his caring and kind nature, he shows no mercy to the Mavericks, after what they have done to humanity for more than a millennia, and will rarely hesitate to fight against a Maverick, but he won't fight the humans, even if his life depended on it, even though they see any Reploid as a potiential enemy.



    ZETA Buster: Like all the Busters of the previous incarnations of Mega Man, the ZETA buster can use rapid fire, charged shots, and will also copy weapons when he has defeated any oppeenant. The only modification is that he can also turn it into a number of tools to help him in any situation, from hacking or to repairing armor.

    -Charged Shots
    -Rapid Fire
    -Copy Weapons of enemies
    -Wall Jumping
    -Changing Tools


    Designed by Dr. Light (Descendant) as a Neo Reploid, he was created so he could lead the other Neo Reploids against the Mavericks. He was designed to adapt, mature and grow like X was, but was also designed with a modification that hasn't been placed in Reploids more than 600 years ago. He was given bal the ability to be "immortal" in order to stay with humanity to always protect them.

    He, like the original Dr. light's creations, is like a son and a brother, but also, wasn't designed originally by this descendant of Dr. Light... Though he was built by this new Dr. light, his blueprints weren't by the descendent, so it is unclear who actually thought of the overall design for ZETA. He was the basis for all of the other Neo Reploids, like Roll and the Gemini Spark Twins.

    He is the older brother to Roll ZETA, best friend to White Gemini Spark, and he is also good friends to Zero, and often looks up to Zero as well.

    Creator: Designs by Anonymous, Constructed by Descendent of Dr. Light.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013

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