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Discussion in 'General' started by Luke, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    Full movie here

    I watched this movie today (huge fan of the first), And its probably one of the most intelligent movies i have ever seen.

    If you are into business, science, economics, or just are interested in seeing how wrong your government is, I highly recommend it.

    They way to portray the lack of a monetary based economy sounds pretty swell to me.
    After watching this, it made me realize such obvious things wrong with the systems we live by that no body really seems to notice or have a problem with.
    Like the poverty part, We have so much food, And there are billions starving. And the only reason we dont give them food is because theres no profit to be made. I mean, thats just ridiculous.

    And the civil unrest is something i think is sorely over do.
    I mean look what happened in greece. Their debt got out of hand, their government tried to cut benefits to cut spending, Bam, Riots errywar.
    And The unites states deabt rounds out to more than $1,000 per person than the greek debt. We are over do for change.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011

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