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Zodiast: The Constellation

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    The Constellation

    Trillions of years ago 13 beings used to exist. Some in harmony with the other, some competing with the other. These thirteen beings were known as Zodiac. Each Zodiac had its own special power.
    Every Zodiac went be a specific name due to it's appearance.

    The first Zodiac is the Capricorn also known as The Almighty Goat or Saturn. Capricorn controlled the element of Earth, and it's only desire was attention from it's family and the entire world.
    The second Zodiac is the Aquarius also known as The Water Bearer or Uranus. Aquarius controlled the element of Air, and it's only desire was to be unique and original.
    The third Zodiac is the Pisces also known as The Graceful Fish or Neptune. Pisces controlled the element of Water, and it's only desire was to turn it's fantasy into a reality.
    The fourth Zodiac is the Leo also known as The Brave Lion or Sun. Leo controlled the element of fire and its only desire was to be a star.
    The fifth Zodiac is the Virgo also known as The Virgin or Mercury. Virgo is the second to control the element of Earth. Virgo's only desire is to love and be loved.
    The sixth Zodiac is the Libra also known as The Scales or Venus. Libra is the second to control the element of Air. Libra's only desire was to live easy, to have an uncomplicated life.
    The seventh Zodiac is the Scorpio also known as The Scorpion or Pluto. Scorpio is the second to control the element of water. Scorpio's only desire was to triumph.
    The eighth Zodiac is the Aries also known as The Ram or Mars. Aries is the second to control the element of fire. Aries' only desire was to lead the way for others.
    The ninth Zodiac is the Taurus also known as The Bull or Venus. Taurus is the third to control the element of earth. Taurus' only desire was to have a secure wealthy and healthy marriage/life.
    The tenth Zodiac is the Gemini also known as The Twins or Mercury. Gemini is the third to control the element of Air. Gemini's only desire was to be ahead of the crowd.
    The eleventh Zodiac is the Cancer also known as The Crab or Moon. Cancer is the third to control the element of Water. Cancer's only desire was to feel safe emotionally, spiritually, romantically, and financially.
    The twelfth Zodiac is the Sagittarius also known as The Archer or Jupiter. Sagittarius is the third to control the element of Fire. Sagittarius' only desire was to make a difference in the world/universe.
    The thirteenth Zodiac is the Ophiuchus also known as The Serpent Bearer or Space. Ophiuchus is the first of the Zodiac's to control Darkness and Light. Ophiuchus (Dark) only desire was to have complete control over everything. Ophiuchus (Light) only desire was to create a universe full of peace and complete harmony.


    Deep within space Ophiuchus (Dark) was making a plan to cripple all of the other Zodiacs so he could use there power to his own will, but Ophiuchus light knew what his brother was up to he warned the other Zodiacs and so the battle began to rage. All of the Zodiacs versus Ophiuchus (Dark). Ophiuchus was so close to completing his plan but when he had finally reached the peak of it Ophiuchus (Light) and all of the other god sacrificed themselves along with Ophiuchus (Dark) to destroy his plan. What the other Zodiac's didn't know was that Ophiuchus (Dark) knew he wouldn't succeed so he placed his whole being inside a new born child on earth, but by doing this Ophiuchus (Dark) placed all of the other god's being inside fourteen other new born children. Each child born on a different day based upon what Zodiac they had received.

    Ophiuchus (Dark):
    Ophiuchus (Light): Taken
    Gemini: (Two people can be Gemini due to them being twins but powers must correspond, discuss that with the user you are going to be twins with.)
    Leo: Taken

    Standard RP rules apply.
    Three Characters per person. (PM me if you want four, with an legit reason)
    Enjoy the RP and Have Fun!


    Age: (10-17)
    DOB: (Date of Birth)
    Zodiac Sign:
    Powers: (You can have any power but it must be based off the element pm me if your unsure what I mean)
    Bio: (About 4-5 sentences min.)
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    In what time frame does this RP take place?

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